Archive Daily Archives: October 22, 2008

AWR (Advance workload Repository)Report in Oracle 10G

AWR is an enhancement/upgradation of statspack, which help us to tune the database. Oracle Database 10g uses a scheduled job, GATHER_STATS_JOB, to collect AWR statistics. This job is created, and enabled automatically when you create a new Oracle database under Oracle Database 10g. GATHER_STATS_JOB, to collect AWR statistics every 1 hour . We can disable […]

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Recover an accidentally deleted file when the database is still open.

On Unix/Linux, when a file is deleted, but a process still has the file open, the file is still there in the filesystem, and only the inode is removed. But the process can continue to use its file handle, and the file can also be accessible under /proc/<pid>/fd . In the following example, we use […]

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