Oracle SSO Failure – Unable to process request error while accessing BPEL worklist integrated with OSSO

This is purely a BPEL worklist and OSSO integration issue. To know more about the integration aspects, check this.

While registering the SOA application with OSSO, we specified the fully qualified hostname  as as shown below.

./ -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME -site_name -config_mod_osso TRUE -mod_osso_url -remote_midtier -config_file $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/worklist/osso.conf -sso_partner_version v1.4

The osso.conf gets generated and BPEL will be registered in OSSO with hostname

When we accessed the worklist using this URL , it displayed OSSO login page and after entering credentials, it is showing the error message as given below:

“Oracle SSO Failure – Unable to process request
Either the requested URL was not specified in terms of a fully-qualified host name or OHS single sign-on is incorrectly configured.”

When we checked the SOA worklist for the hostname details, they are not using the fully qualified hostname instead it is just hostname:7777 as shown below.

Please remember that this is the screenshot when the integration is disabled.

I registered the BPEL worklist again using with just hostname:7777. This time it is a success when logged into BPEL worklist.

NOTE: You will see the same error if you register with fully qualified hostname and access it using just the hostname alone. So just be cautious with the hostname that the BPEL worklist is configured and accessed with.

About the Author Mahendra

I am engulfed in Oracle Identity & Access Management domain. I have expertise on providing the optimized solutions for user provisioning, web access management, Single Sign-On and federation capabilities etc., I am also well versed with complex integrations within Identity Management and other product domains. I have expertise on building demos and implementation experience on products Oracle Access Manager, Oracle Adaptive Access Manager, Oracle Entitlement Server, Oracle Virtual Directory, Oracle Internet Directory etc., Look @ my blog:

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Jyothi says May 6, 2012

Hi Mahendra, I hope you will get some notification when I post my question here. Can you please help me to resolve my issue of BPM worklist with OAM SSO.

I installed oracle identity management. SSO is in place now. Anything we try to access, OAM SSO will gets activated now.

When I try to access BPM worklist console, I get internal error …contact system administrator and SOA server is throwing below exception : WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Failed to read WSDL from not found at

I think it is because of hostname and port issue with SSO. Because :

When I access, I get page not found.

But when I try to access http://idmhost1:8001/integration/services/IdentityService/identity?WSDL., I see that xml file gets displayed.

So, when I access BPM worklist console, it should access idmhost1:8001 instead of

Can you please help me in this regard. My Oralce Http Server address is http://webhost1:7777.

I tried to access the wsdl using this webhost address and I am getting page not found error.

I do not know where are the composite files for BPM worklist so that I could have updated composite.xml file with correct urls for WSDL files.


Jyothi says May 6, 2012

My question is, in all SOA composits for BPM worklist application, has been added and now I need to change it to idmhost1:8001. But I do not know where are these composite files. All I want is to access BPM worklist console successfully.

The moment I access http://idmhost1:8001/integration/worklistapp, OAM takes me to SSO login and provides me login page. I enter xelsysadm and pwd. It logs me in and throws “Inter error…please contact system administrator” and in the log I get below error : WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Failed to read WSDL from not found at


Jyothi says May 7, 2012

Thank you Atul for your quick reply. In fact in the beginning itself before accessing …/integration/worklistapp,
I have already mapped this url to idmhost1 and port 8001 in OHS side. Problem is, once the SSO logs me in,
all the composits which were already deployed to SOA server are referring WSDL URLs as…..
and server complains can not read. Now how to transfer reference in the composites to idmhost1:8001 ?

Thank you for your great suggestions.


Jyothi says May 7, 2012

I do not know when got entered in all composites. Now how to change all SOA composits to refer idmhost1:8001 instead of Also, I do not know where and all I have to change it..I mean I do not know where are these various composites and how many are there. Is that my installation is of no use now ?


Jyothi says May 7, 2012

Atul, it is working now. Acutally you have provided me pointed answer (/integration ).. I had given /integration/worklistapp.

I changed it now to /integration. It is working fine. I looked into WSDL url again and again and then it flashed that I have given /integration/worklistapp.

Thanks a lot for your help. You are GREAT ! I am glad that I can proceed now.


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