Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Overview

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (BIEE) consist of component which were earlier part of Siebel Analytics from siebel.

  • Business Intelligence consists of two parts Infrastructure Component & Business Intelligence Applications.

Business Intelligence Infrastructure consist of following components
i)   Business Intelligence Server
ii)  Business Intelligence Presentation Services
iii) Business Intelligence Presentation SErvices Plug-in
iv)  Business Intelligence Scheduler
v)   Business Intelligence Administration Tools
vi)  Business Intelligence cluster controller
vii) Business Intelligence Client
viii)Business Intelligence ODBC Driver
ix)  Business Intelligence JDBC Driver
x)   Business Intelligence System Management
xi)  Business Intelligence Catalog Manager
xii) Business Intelligence Job Manager
xiii)Business Intelligence Publisher
xiv) Business Intelligence Disconnected Client
xv)  Business Intelligence Publisher Desktop
xvi) Business Intelligence Open Intelligence Interface
xvii)Business Intelligence Office Plug-in
xviii) Business Intelligence Briefing Book Reader

Oracle Business Intelligence Install Type
In order to install Oracle BI infrastructure component you have 7 options
1. “Complete” install components i) to xiii)
2. “Oracle BI Server” install component i, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xii
3. “Oracle BI Presentation Services” install component ii, iii, vii, viii, x, xi
4. “Oracle BI Client tools” install components v, vii, viii, ix xi, xii
5. “Oracle BI Disconnected Clients” installs component xiv
6. “Oracle BI Publisher” installs component xiii
7. “Custom” any one of above i) to xviii)

Oracle Business Intelligence Installion Option
There are two kind of install Basic & Advanced

Basic Installation of BIEE
–This is used if you are not using Oracle Application Server web server
–This type of install require J2EE so any web server which support J2EE can be used for basic BI installation
–This require J2SE 5 or higher , like JDK 1.5 or higher (not JRE)

Advanced Installation of BIEE
— This type of installation require Oracle 10g Application Server (10.1.3.X or higher)
— If you need Single Sign-On with BIEE you need this type of installation

Related Document
Business Intelligence Installation & Configuration Guide PDF

Installation of Business Intelligence on Linux coming soon …

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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