Tables Used by Purge Concurrent Request Concurrent Program

 Source: Oracle Documentations 

Log and Output files retention policy can be controlled by you at o/s level. Once you decide the retention policy for these logs and output files, the Purge Concurrent Request Concurrent Program or the Manager Data Concurrent Program will act, based on the information located in the database tables to determine which files it can safely purge and which it needs to retain. The retention policy for these log and output files needs to be determined by your Applications users. Archiving policy needs to be determined by the Internal Project Management staff. These policies can then be implemented, in part, through these concurrent requests. You can maintain statistics on concurrent requests, even after they have been purged from the system, by setting the Concurrent: Collect Request Statistics profile option to yes. These statistics can help you determine where best to start tuning long running or time-intensive concurrent requests. 

Purge Concurrent Request Concurrent Program Use the following tables: 

1) FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS: Contains a complete history of all concurrent requests (both past history and those scheduled to run in the future). 

2) FND_RUN_REQUESTS: Stores information about the reports in a report set that a user submits including the report set’s parameter values. 

3) FND_CONC_REQUEST_ARGUMENTS: Records all arguments passed by Concurrent Managers to concurrent requests as those requests are running.

 4) FND_DUAL: Records when a request does not update any database tables. 

5) FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES: Records information about Oracle Applications processes and OS processes. 

6) FND_CONC_STAT_LIST:  Collects runtime performance statistics for concurrent requests. 

7) FND_CONC_STAT_SUMMARY: Contains Concurrent Program performance statistics generated by the Purge Concurrent Request program or the manager data program. These programs use the data in FND_CONC_STAT_LIST to compute these statistics.

 Note: Ref Oracle E-Business Documentations for Parameters accepted by the Purge. 

About the Author Atul Kumar

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amruta says May 26, 2017


after cloning ( DB refresh using RMAN duplicate) Apps: 12.1.3 and DB .
The FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESS shows records of Source node.
What is the process to clean up that.
As post clone steps i run FND_CONC_CLONE.SETUP_CLEAN and then autoconfig on all DB tiers and apps tier.
Even after that the FND_NODES table have source node entry. and FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES have Target Node entry of source .
And cmclean.sql is no longer supported by Oracle.
Please advice.

Giriraj says August 22, 2017

This is an Oracle Internal Bug pls go through note id 1646026.1

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