Integrate Oracle BI Server with LDAP Server (OID – Oracle Internet Directory)

In this post we are going to cover steps to integrate OBIEE with OID. By default BI users are stored locally and authenticate against BI Server.
OBIEE support authentication via LDAP Server (OID, iPlanet, openldap server).


Integration of OBIEE with OID is required if

1. You wish to use OID as user repository for OBIEE or
You wish to authenticate OBIEE users against OID or
You wish to integrate OBIEE (analytics) with Oracle Single Sign-On Server
To know more about OID   click here   and   here .

There are two ways to integrate OBIEE with OID

1. To authenticate against OID or
2. Synchronize users/groups from OID to OBIEE Server .

Configure OID for User Authentication in Oracle BI

1. Create LDAP (OID) entry in Repository of BI
Configure initialization block for user authentication .


1. Create LDAP entry in Repository of BI
To create LDAP (OID) entry in BI Repository

a) Open repository (offline/online mode) from OBI Administration Tool (To know more about BI Administration Tool, Click Here)
-> Security to open Security Manager in BI Administration Tool
-> New -> LDAP Server to add new ldap server


b) In new pop up window enter OID server details where

HostName is machine name on which OID is running
Port Number is Port on which OID is listening, if you are planning to use SSL port of OID change select SSL in Advanced Tab as shown below
Base Dn is location in OID tree under which all users sit  (user who wish to login through OBI should be under this tree in OID)
Bind Dn is distinguished name of supeuser usually orcladmin (super user)
Bind Password – is password of orcladmin user



Test OID connection by clicking on “Test Connection” button

– If UserName is OID is recognized by cn and NOT uid then change it in advanced name. (OID is using cn or uid as its userName is determined by orclcommonnicknameattribute value in OID)
– If OID is listening on SSL only and you entered SSL port in General Tab then select SSL checkbox in above screen
– OBI Server should be able to connect to OID server (If there is any firewall between BI Server and OID server open OID port across firewall) .



2. Configure initialization block for user authentication

2.1 Administration Tool -> Manage -> Variables ->


2.2 Action -> New -> Session -> Initialization Block

2.3 In Session Variable Initialization Block window, enter Name for session variable and select “Required for Authentication” check box as shown in screenshot

2.4 Now click on “Edit Data Source” button as shows in above screen shot

2.5 From drop down list select “LDAP” as datasource and select Browse as shown in below screenshot

2.6 Select OID server which you created in step1 above and click OK

2.7 Click OK on next screen

2.8 Now click on “Edit Data Target” button on Session Variable Initialization Block screen

2.9 Click on New and enter Name as USER in “System Session Variable” and click OK as shows in screenshot below

2.10 Enter the value of LDAP variable . This value is usually uid or cn (check value of orclcommonnicknameattribute in OID) and click OK as shown in below screenshot

2.11 Finally test your setup by clicking on Test button . Enter any valid Username, Password when prompted




Configure/Integration of Oracle Single Sign-On with Oracle Business Intelligence coming soon…

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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