Working with Access Gates in Oracle Access Manager

An access gate is required instead of a standard webgate when you need to control access to a resource where OAM doesnot provide out of the box solution.

In addition to the creation of access gate profile in the Access Console, you would also need Access Server SDK to invoke Access System.

To do this, follow this approach.

1. Create the access gate profile with the hostname where you use client  to invoke OAM Access System.

2. Install Access Server SDK in the client machine. Specify the access gate details in the install wizard.

3. Run ConfigureAccessGate tool present in the folder /AccessSDK_InstallDir/oblix/tools/ as shown below.

D:\oracle\oam10143\AccessServerSDK\oblix\tools\configureAccessGate>configureAccessGate.exe  -i D:\oracle\oam10143\AccessServerSDK -t AccessGate -w TomcatAccessGate -m simple -P welcome1 -h accessSvr_hostname -p 6021 -a accessServer

Change the details as per your environment.

4. In your client code, specify the Access SDK location pointing the jobaccess.jar to the jar file located in above folder. Don’t try to copy the jar file to any other folder in your local machine and point that, this will not invoke the ASDK at runtime.

5. Write your code to use classes present in com.oblix.access.* for invoking Access SDK API. If you want to invoke policy Manager API then use the classes present in com.oblix.accessmgr.*.

There are few code samples that will be available in ASDK install folder /AccessSDK_InstallDir/samples.

About the Author Mahendra

I am engulfed in Oracle Identity & Access Management domain. I have expertise on providing the optimized solutions for user provisioning, web access management, Single Sign-On and federation capabilities etc., I am also well versed with complex integrations within Identity Management and other product domains. I have expertise on building demos and implementation experience on products Oracle Access Manager, Oracle Adaptive Access Manager, Oracle Entitlement Server, Oracle Virtual Directory, Oracle Internet Directory etc., Look @ my blog:

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Lan says September 9, 2010

Hi Mahendra

I finished to install AccessServer_SDK, but i didn’t see the samples or examples folder any in installed directory.

i used the version:

Would you please share me that example ?
Thanks so much for your help.


Lan says September 9, 2010

This is my email:

Thanks very much

Mahendra says September 13, 2010


I dont have the environment up right now. Please check if you find any samples folder or something like that.


Mahendra says September 13, 2010


You can also specify the folders created with Access SDK. So that we can make out.

himanshu says March 4, 2011

HI Mahendra,
I am new to OAM, I have developed an Authenticaion service which can authenticate user through OAM.
I have devloped jAccessGate for it and it’s working fine. My Problem is whenever I want to move this code on some machine, I require this OAMSDK to be present at that machine. Can we deploy this SDK on one linux server and just point it through our java service. OR anyother way ? I just do not want to move SDK in all evn. where I move my code.

Mahendra says March 5, 2011


If I understand this correctly, you want to deploy your java code in different servers which points to ASDK installed in a central location. If this is right, then you will need to do that in your java code and nothing to be done from OAM front. To my experience, we should point the ASDK to that specific machine from java code which means that we should install ASDK in all environments, aftrol it is going to be either production or development environment.

alice says May 7, 2012


I am writing a code to getAll the policy domains in the Policy manager. I am stuck.

Please help me understand how this can be done.
When I create ObAccessManager am = new ObAccessManager(); and try to call getPolicyDomains , this throws null exception.
Please help me, how can I get all the PolicyDomains in the Access Manager with APIs.

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