#JRockit Mission Control Overview – JRMC Management Console

I am currently waiting on delivery of Book Oracle JRockit: The Definitive Guide from Packtpub. For Table of Contents in this book click here



In my last post here I discussed about JRockit documentation and download link.  In this post I am going to cover overview of JRockit Mission Control (JRMC) and discuss about one of component in JRMC i.e. JRMC Management Console


API – Application Programming Interface
JDP– JRockit Discovery Protocol
JRMC– JRockit Mission Control
JMX – Java Management Extension
JMXMAPI – JRockit JMX based Management API
RJMX– JRockit Remote JMX Service
RMI – Remote Method Invocation

1.JRMC is set of tools running on JRockit JVM
2. JRMC consists of
a) Management Console : Tool for monitoring and managing multiple JRockit instances . This captures and monitors Garbage Collection (GC) pauses, memory, CPU and more.
b) JRockit Runtime Analyzer (JRA) : is on-demand “flight recorder” that produces detailed recording (methods, locks, GC statistics, optimization decisions, object statistics and latency events) about JVM and application it is running. Recorded profile can then later be analyzed offline .
c) Memory Leak Detector : tool to discover memory leaks and finding cause of memory leaks.

Management Console :
1. JMX based console to manage and monitor JRockit Instance.
2. One Management Console can be connected to multiple JRockit JVMs.
3. Multiple instances of Management Console can be connected to a single JRockit JVM.
4. Management Console consists of

–Components running on JRockit JVM which you wish to monitor
a) JMXMAPI –JRockit JMX Management API : JRockit specific MBeans exposing performance counters and attributes.
b) Agent– Runs in JVM and exposes JMXMAPI, Communication remote JMX over RMI. Agent can be managed by JRockit JVM command line , JRockit specific API or jrcmd.
c) JDP Server– JRockit Discovery Protocol Server : This is optional component. JRockit Management Console automatically detects JRockit JVMs running on network by using multicasting. JDP Server can be started using JRockit JVM command line parameter or jrcmd.

–Components running on Management Console from where you are monitoring
d) RJMX– JRockit Remote JMX Service : provides service like persistence, attribute subscription abstraction, and notification framework
e) JDP Client– JRockit Discovery Protocol Client : Automatically discovers JRockit JVMs that have JDP enabled.
f) Java-Plugin – Defines framework for Management Console + extension points for other plug-ins which extends console example overview, memory, Threads, Exception Count

How to Start Management Console ?
$JRockit_HOME/bin/jconsole.[exe|sh] .

If you are an Fusion Middleware Administrator, tuning Application Tier Performance for application deployed on JRockit then grab a copy of Book Oracle Jrockit The Definitive Guide from Packtpub.  

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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