Provision Transaction Database for Oracle Fusion Applications

This is fifth post in series “Learn Oracle Fusion Applications with”, for first four posts check

In this post I am going to show steps to Provision (Install & Configure) Oracle Database which will be used to store transactional data used in Fusion Applications. This database will be referred as Transactional Database.

1. Set environment variable JAVA_HOME

export JAVA_HOME=/stage/oracle/fusionSoftware/installers/jdk/jdk6
(This JDK directory was created in fourth part of this series by unzipping under $fusion_software/installers/jdk directory)

2. cd $FA_PROV_FRWK/provisioning/bin
(where FA_PROV_FRWK is directory under which Fusion Applications Provisioning Framework was installed in fourth part of this series)

3. Start Transactional Database Installation by running [from onwards use ]

./ [from onwards use ]

4. From Installation Options, select Install an Applications Transactional Database

Provide Database details

Listener Port – This is database listener port on which your transaction database will listen (This port will be used during Repository Creation – RCU and Fusion Applications Provisioning)
Installers Directory  – This is the directory under which you have unzipped software (You should have installers under this directory)
Oracle BASE – This the directory under which oracle database binaries, logs, data files are stored
Software Location – This is the ORACLE_HOME for transactional database. This directory is under ORACLE_BASE defined above
Database File Location – This is directory under which datafiles (DBFs) for transactional database. This can be any where on your file system.
OSDBA – This is the group of user who owns this database (I am using user fusionapps with group dba , created earlier)
Global Database Name – This is name of transactional database
Administrative Password –  password for sys and system schema for this database

6. Next screen will run Prerequisite Checks (In my case pre check failed)


SEVERE: Error while verifying whether the target environment is supported by CVU or not..
Refer associated stacktrace #oracle.install.driver.oui.OUISetupDriver:13
WARNING: [WARNING] [INS-13001] Environment does not meet minimum requirements.
ACTION: Either check the logs for more information or check the supported configurations for this product..
Refer associated stacktrace #oracle.install.commons.util.exception.DefaultErrorAdvisor:16
INFO: Validating Response File /tmp/oui10g-database6366343221110352173.rsp
WARNING: Unable to find the namespace URI. Reason: Start of root element expected.
Check Logs under
[2011-06-18T02:31:20.518-04:00] [runFusionDB-preverify] [ERROR] [] [runFusionDB-preverify] [tid: 10] [ecid: 0000J2X] BUILD FAILED[[/u01/app/oracle/ FA_PROV_FRWK/ provisioning/ provisioning-build/ dbserver-build.xml:286: Total number of preverify validation errors: 1


In my case , fusion applications software was corrupt so I had to download few corrupt files (software) again from eDelivery.

7. Restarted installer again with new software (download second time from eDelivery) and this time Pre-requisite checks were successful.

8. Next screen will show you options you selected earlier

  When prompted, login as root and execute under Transaction Database ORACLE_HOME i.e. /u01/ app/ oracle/ ORACLE_BASE/ product/ 11.2.0/ dbhome_1/

10. You will finally get confirmation of successful installation

11. Finally click finish

Next step : Load Fusion Applications Schema in Transactional Database using Fusion Applications Repository Creation Utility coming soon … 

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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