Patching Oracle Identity Manager from to

This post explains the patching process of Oracle Identity Manager from to using the patch 13399365.

To determine the present versions of OIM components, use the command opatch lsinventory at $OIM_ORACLE_HOME/OPatch. Set the environment variable ORACLE_HOME as OIM oracle home before running the command.

The output of the command is as shown below:


  1. It is recommended to take backup of OIM schema and OIM MDS schema – just schema level export is sufficient.
  2. It is recommended to take file level backup of WebLogic domain and OIM Oracle Home directory.

Applying the patch:

1. Stop all OIM managed servers including weblogic admin server.
2. Extract the patch software file to a directory and we refer this directory as PATCH_TOP.
3. cd PATCH_TOP/13399365
4. Set the env variable ORACLE_HOME to the OIM Oracle Home. Please note that if you have IDM (OID/OVD/OIF) and IAM (OIM/OAM) are installed on same machine, then set the ORACLE_HOME to IAM home.

5. Set the env variable PATH for OPatch as export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_IAM1/OPatch.

6. Verify the opatch version.





7. Apply the patch as opatch apply. It prompts with “Is the local system ready for patching”. Answer y.
Then it backs up all the inventory and other files required for roll-back if necessary.

8. Finally it shows the message OPatch succeeded. In a clustered environment, repeat the steps from 2-8 in all the nodes.

9. Goto directory $PATCH_TOP/13399365.
10. Edit the sample_weblogic.profile.fa file for following values as shown in below screenshots.




11. Goto $OIM_ORACLE_HOME/server/bin
12. Copy the sample_weblogic.profile.fa to weblogic.profile from $PATCH_TOP/13399365.
13. Start the WebLogic Admin server. Don’t start the OIM and SOA managed servers.
14. Set the environment variables PATH, MW_HOME, WL_HOME, JAVA_HOME, ANT_HOME and OIM_ORACLE_HOME as shown below.

15. Execute the to apply the configuration changes to the Oracle Identity Manager server. This script will automatically starts and stops the OIM and SOA managed servers by using the parameters specified in weblogic.profile. Depending upon the system performance this script will consume time. I had come across some issues while this script was starting SOA Server and it is failing because of incorrect Service name in SOA data source and I corrected it ran the script again.The patch_weblogic script is re-entrant and can be run again if a failure occurs.

16. To check the status of the script check the log file patch_weblogic.log located under OIM_ORACLE_HOME/server/setup/deploy-files

17. Restart the WebLogic Admin server and start the SOA and OIM managed servers.
18. In a multi-node and clustered env repeat steps 9-17 on every node.

This patch does not automatically upgrade certain OIM components Diagnostic Dashboard and the SPML Web Service. Hence these components needs to be manually redeployed. Follow the below steps to perform this:

  1. Login to WebLogic Admin console.
  2. Click Deployments > Install.
  3. Identify the location of the .ear (or .war) file for the component you want to deploy (XIMDD.ear). The ear files are located at $OIM_ORACLE_HOME/server/webapp/optional/
  4. Identify the system where you want to deploy the component.
  5. Click Finish.

This completes patching process. Please get back to me for any suggestions/comments.


About the Author Mahendra

I am engulfed in Oracle Identity & Access Management domain. I have expertise on providing the optimized solutions for user provisioning, web access management, Single Sign-On and federation capabilities etc., I am also well versed with complex integrations within Identity Management and other product domains. I have expertise on building demos and implementation experience on products Oracle Access Manager, Oracle Adaptive Access Manager, Oracle Entitlement Server, Oracle Virtual Directory, Oracle Internet Directory etc., Look @ my blog:

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» OIM 11g configuration error Online Apps DBA: One Stop Shop for Apps DBA’s says August 16, 2012

[…] by applying patch 13399365. After applying the patch the OIM configuration went smooth. Refer this post for patching OIM to […]

mukundp says September 5, 2012

Hi Mahendra,

i am also updating the same patch in my environment. it is a windows one.

after i ran the patch_weblogic.bat i found out that my log only shows the entries till it updating the patch to admin server and then gives a message “Build Successful” and terminates in 2 mins. from your output it looks like it parsed the weblogic.profile till the end for me it looks like this:
[java] Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.
[delete] Deleting: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_IDM1\server\setup\deploy-files\
[echo] now removing the ucp jar shipped


Total time: 2 minutes 52 seconds

I take this as an incomplete activity. can you please check and let me know what extra i need to do for windows environment.


Mahendra says September 6, 2012


I have followed the document available in patch and it is succesful. But it looks like your patching is incomplete, so go through the patch doc once again.

gchawla says June 20, 2014

Hi ,

We are using OIM 9i version. We updated the patch from BP 13 to BP 21. after patch got successflly updated. we encountered several problems in OIM.
One of them is , export-import console is not loading in web console. Every time we click on export import option only a white blank screen comes .

Can someone please help me what could be its ??


gchawla says June 20, 2014

Hi ,
We are using OIM 9i version. We updated the patch from BP 13 to BP 21. after patch got successflly updated. we encountered several problems in OIM.
One of them is , export-import console is not loading in web console. Every time we click on export import option only a white blank screen comes .

Can someone please help me what could be its ??


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