Discoverer in Oracle Applications

One of my readers reminded me that I have not covered on discoverer for Apps DBA yet so thought of putting some bits and pieces for you on Discoverer and later on How to Integrate Discoverer 10g with Oracle Apps 11i. So lets start this discussion about overview & things you should know about Discoverer as Apps DBA.

Whats is Discoverer Server ?
Discoverer is and ad hoc query, reporting, analysis and publishing tool which help business users to get quick access to information from datawarehouse or OLTP systems. In Apps, Discoverer version 4i used to be installed & configured out of the box which is desupported now. You should configure Apps with Discoverer 10g (I am going to cover about how to configure discoverer 10g with E-Business Suite)

What should I know about Discoverer as an Apps DBA ?
Though each component in Apps like forms, reports, web server including Discoverer in itself are quite big and more you know about them better it is for you . Few Important things you should know about Discoverer in Apps is like how to start/stop & how to access it. In case of any issues you should be able to troubleshoot discoverer.

What is EUL ?
You will hear lot about EUL from business analyst which means End User Layer, which is the key to provide ease of use to underlying data in Oracle Apps Database.

Technical things about discoverer in Apps ..
–In Apps default discoverer version 4i, is installed under $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4
–Script to start discoverer server is under $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME
This script in turn start discoverer processes which can be start by under $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util (This script is different from calls scripts like, ,, to start gatekeeper, locator, oad & osagent resp.
— In Apps two major way to access EUL is via Discoverer view & Discoverer Plus edition (You can use Discoverer Administration Edition as well)

Quiz to reader :
A. How will you find discoverer version in Apps ?
B. What URL you use to access Disco viewer & Disco plus .

Post your answers via comments

Stay tuned to check
How to install 10g Discoverer & configure with Oracle Applications 11i
Coming Soon …..

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About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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