Create Domain in Oracle WebLogic

This is third post in Series “Learn Oracle WebLogic with Us” .

After WebLogic installation Here, next step is to create Domain. This post cover steps to create Domain in WebLogic (Simple – Administration Server or Advanced – one Administration Server and two Managed Server in a Cluster). If you are not familiar with Domain, Administration/Managed Server or Cluster then read my post here my post here   or Oracle Documentation here

There are multiple ways to create domain, steps mentioned here are using Configuration Manager Wizard ( or config.cmd).

–For Unix/Windows start configuration wizard using $BEA_HOME/ wlserver_10.0/ commom/ bin/ config.cmd (windows) or

–To Start configuration wizard in console mode use – config.[cmd|sh] -mode=console

Screenshot below for creating Domain in WebLogic using Configurtaion Manager in GUI mode. Start Configuration Manager using command given above ( / config.cmd)

1) Create or Extend DomainIn First screen you select if you wish to Create new WebLogic Domain or Extend an Existing WebLogic Domain.

Extending WebLogic Domainmeans you already have WebLogic Domain and want to add more Managed Server or configure cluster or configure additional applications.

weblogic 4

2) Select Domain Source – 

weblogic 5

3) Configure AdministratorIn below screen you define UserName and Password for WebLogic Domain and add/grant Administrator Role to that User (This user name /password will be used to start/stop domain if Mode of domain is Production and to login to domain Admin WebConsole)

weblogic 6

4) Select JDK & Start Mode –  In below screen, you define Mode in which you wish to start your domain and JDK (Sun, JRockit or any other JDK)
Production Mode– Domain is more secure, You need username password to start domain or deploy application.
Development Mode– Not very secure, You can Autodeploy application and no need to provide username/password to start Domain.

weblogic 7

5) Customize your domain –  Using below screen you can customize your domain (Create Managed Server, Cluster, JDBC Source, JMS File Store). Select initially No to create simple domain with Just one Administration Server (You can deploy your application in Administration Server but this is not recommended in Production Instance).
  To create Advanced Domain (one Administration Server and two Managed Server and Cluster) go to Step  8 )

weblogic 8

6) In next screen you provide Domain Name, Location of Domain.

weblogic 9

7) Finally, If you are installing on Windows, you can select to “Start Admin Server

weblogic 10

Click Done to finish Domain Installation.

Next Step, go to Start WebLogic and access Domain Console from browser at end of this post.


Create Domain with one Administration Server and two Managed Server Instance in Cluster 

Steps here are to create new Domain with one Administration Server (AdminServer), two Managed Server (MS1 & MS2) in cluster (cluster_1)
– Administration Server and both Managed Server are installed on single machine (you can configure them on multiple servers as well).


Administration Server
Name – AdminServer
Listen Address – All IP address on machine
Listen port – 7003
SSL Listen Port – 7004


Managed Server 1
Name – ms1
Listen Address – All IP address on machine
Listen port – 7103
SSL Listen Port – 7104

.Managed Server 2
Name – ms2
Listen Address – All IP address on machine
Listen port – 7203
SSL Listen Port – 7204
Cluster Details
Cluster Name – cluster_1
Multicast Address –
Multicast Port – 8050
Cluster Address –
Cluster Member – ms1 & ms2
8 ) Start with step 1) to 4) as shown above on screen 5) “Customize Environment” select  Yes as shown below 

weblogic 8b.

9) Configure Administration Server – configure Administration Server using this screen like Name, Listen & SSL Listen Port

weblogic 8c

10) Configure Managed Server – click on Add to add managed server.

weblogic 8d

11) Configure Managed Server – Add two managed server (ms1:7103:7104 & ms2:7203:7204)

weblogic 8e

12) Configure Cluster – click on Add to create cluster and add Managed Server in Cluster. If you have NOT defined any managed server in previous screen, you will NOT get this screen.

weblogic 8f

13) Configure Cluster– Define cluster with Cluster Name, Multicast Address,  Port and address.

weblogic 8g

14) Assign Server to Cluster – Use this screen to add Managed Server on Left hand side to Cluster on right hand side.

weblogic 8h

15) Assign Server to Cluster – as shown in below screen shot, We added MS1 & MS2 to cluster_1

weblogic 8i

16) Configure Machine – Use this screen if you have more than one machine in your system. In our configuration Administration Server and  all Managed Server are on single machine.

weblogic 8j

17) Review WebLogic Domain

weblogic 8k

18) Create WebLogic Domain  – define Domain Name and Domain Location on this screen. This screen is similar to step 6) above

weblogic 8l



Start WebLogic Domain

Once you have successfully created domain, next step is to  start weblogic domain and access Administration Console. (Steps here are to start basic domain – only one Administration Server,  “Start/Stop WebLogic Server – Administration and Managed Server” coming soon… )

Startup Script
$BEA_HOME/user_projects/domain/<domain_name>/bin/ (Unix)
$BEA_HOME\user_projects\domain\<domain_name>\bin\startWebLogic.cmd (Windows)

I installed domain with name base_domain and my BEA_HOME is c:\bea hence to start my domain –
c:\bea\user_projects\ domains\ base_domain\ bin\ startWebLogic.cmd


Access Administration Console

Default Administration Port is 7001 so use port as 7001 (else use port you entered while creating WebLogic Domain)

http://localhost:7001/console (If you are accessing from server directly)

Login to WebLogic Admin Console using UserName/Password created during WebLogic Domain Creation.

weblogic 11

After successful login you should get screen like below.




Oracle WebLogic Domain Configuration Guide


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About the Author Masroof Ahmad

Leave a Comment:

rahul says September 12, 2008

I was trying failover mechanism for i have created 1 adminserver and 2 managed servers like ms1 n ms2 in cluster_1, considering ms1, ms2 and admin server exist in the same physical machine and EAR file is deployed in ms1 and ms2. What ip/port configuration i need to provide for ms1 and ms2. Does ip n port will be same for ms1 and ms2? Can you please help me on this.

Atul says September 13, 2008

Rahul, Two services (ms1 & ms2) can’t start on same IP and Port combination.

Either IP has to be different OR port OR both.

Usually we define same IP (machine IP address) and two different port number (one for ms1 and other for ms2)

rahul says September 13, 2008

Hi Atul,
Thanks for your response. I am still not very clear about the failover mechanism, continuing with the same example. I assume if the user is accessing some web appln using url say

Where is the IP addss of machine which is hosting the admin server and 2 managed server ms1 n ms2. Now if ms1 (using port 7001) goes down it should switch automically to ms2 (same ip with port say 7101) which is up and running but in that case user will not be able to access the appln with the URL Can you please explain how this scenario is handled in clustering.


Atul says September 18, 2008

You put load balancer in front which distribute load to various managed server running on different port.

User connect to loadbalancer on single port (usually 80 or 443) which in turn fwd request to managed server on ports lets say 7001 & 7101

rahul says September 18, 2008

Thanks Atul for all you help.


saurabh tiwari says December 2, 2008

can u plz tell me what r things required if i wanna put my application online


Aawardhan says February 19, 2009

Can you explain how to install a,
Domain (machine A),1 server in machine B, 1 server in machine C and a cluster of servers 3/4 one each in machine B and c.

This would be of great help.

Thanks in advance !!

sridhar1985 says March 9, 2009


I am new weblogic. I have installed weblogic 10.3 in linux machine. I have started it by running the file from /home/oracle/bea/wlserver_10.3/samples/domains/wl_server/bin.
Server is running in back ground. I am able to connect to Admin console.

Now i have created domain called base_domain at bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain

Now i want to run the file from
bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin path.

Above thing is giving me error. Port has already used.
Start failed.

Wat can i do now. Please help me out. Is really need to start server from $domain_home/bin/

Thanks in advance.


Atul Kumar says March 9, 2009

Sridhar, It seems that for base domain (new domain) you used same port as Admin Server or port you used for base domain is used by some other service.

Use different port for new domain.

sridhar1985 says March 9, 2009

Hi Atul,
Thanks for your reply. I have stopped weblogic server which is running from bea/wlserver_10.3/samples/domains/wl_server/bin

And i have started the server from bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin path
Now Admin console is opening for my domain base_domain.
Is this process is correct?

To start weblogic server, which need to be run. Because this file present in so many locations.

Please clarify it.
Thanks in advance.

Ravisankar C says April 11, 2009

I have a doubt if we deploy an application in admin server can we access that from managed servers??

shashank says April 28, 2009

Can u plz tell me how to configure two instance on two different ports ?

by default it is getting configured at 7001 and its running fine .

but not able to configure it on some different port like 8001 etc..

plz help…

thanks in advance !!!!!!

Sridhar1985 says April 28, 2009

Hi shashank,

U can create by creating a new domain with different port other than 7001.

In same domain we can not access same port for 2 instances. You can use different port for managed server.

Sridhar1985 says April 28, 2009

Hi ravisankar,

I think we can not access the application on managed server, which is deployed on Admin server. I hope it is 100%

Sridhar1985 says May 21, 2009

How to apply load balancing for the 2 managed servers in cluster?
How can i create cluster for 2 managed servers which are created on separate IPs( systems )?
Is there any way to do this?
Please help me. Thanks in advance.


satya says June 9, 2009

Hi Atul,

I am new to weblogic administration.
I Have seen ur posting for crating domain, adminServer and managed servers. I tried and created those successfully, but i dont know how to manage those adminserver and cluster(managedserver) from admin console to start and stop)

Could you please help me on this how to configure node manager. Thanks in Advance.


Sridhar1985 says June 10, 2009

Hi Satya,
Admin server you can start from command line only. But you can stop from console and command line also. Managed server you can stop and start from console. Before starting managed server you have to start NodeManger (bea/wlserver_10.3/server/bin/ Then you can start managed server from console.
If you are using windows this is a .cmd file to run Nodemanager i.e, startNodemanager.cmd

Hope this will help you.

DINU C R says May 19, 2010

i am new to weblogic i facing some problem in domain

There is alreay a domain in weblogic in which a application is running perfectly

i need to install another application in weblogic
Do i need to create a new domain for that application?
If creating a new domain will it delete the existing domain?
or can i extend the prevoius domain?
if extending will i get a new config.xml file where i can give ports for that application to run?
please suggest me what i have to do so that both application will be running parallely

Atul Kumar says May 19, 2010

@ Dinu,
Application is deployed on Server (Admin or Managed, usually managed server) with in a domain.

Now you can deploy on existing server or create new managed server.

If you want new application to run parallely then deploy it on existing domain and attach it to one or more existing managed server.

To understand domain, managed server, admin server check

dinu cr says May 19, 2010

hi Atul kumar

Thanks for replying, if you could clear me this , it would be more helpful

1)I tried deploying the new application’s .war file in the existing domain, but its not working
Do i have to give new port to that application so that that particular software will run on that port without disturbing the main application.

2) can we create more than one domain? if so i will create a new domain and deploy the software in the same.

Atul Kumar says May 19, 2010

@ Dinu,
Check why its not working by looking at server logs.

In administration console -> Deployment -> [go to your application]

Check health of your application and if it is down then start it . If this doesn’t start then check logs for issue.

DINU C R says May 20, 2010

hi Atul

we are working in UNIX environment, we are not getting the adminstration console, i will breif my entire problem so that you could sugest me suitable answer

we installed weblogic in UNIX, and created a domain(admin server) and assigned 9003 port to that domain and deployed maximo.ear file and the software is running fine on that. maximo is running in 9003 port

we are trying to install a new supporting software so we deployed the .war file in that domain with the same 9003 port and it didn’t worked.(we tried changing the port still didn’t work).

As of now 9004 port is free ,i want to assign this port to the software, is it necessary to have console to deploy .war file,

if creating a new domain, will the existing domain gets deleted automatically? we i could create a new domain i can deploy the software in that domain itself.

And you said creating a new managed server, can i create it in the existing domain or with new domain.

Atul Kumar says May 20, 2010

@ Dinu,
Console is not mandatory , you can use command line (WLST) or other methods to deploy application ( )

Which method your are using ? What error your are using ? Enable debugging in your deployment to see what error message you are hitting.

If you are new to WebLogic then my recommendation would be to use Console

Husain says June 16, 2010

Hi Atul,

I am trying to create a domain on Red Hat Linux for SOA 11gR1PS3 however I am not able to enter password. Do you know how to resolve that?
I see on forum there are others having the same issue.

Thanks for your help!


tsurendraraju says July 21, 2010


Need steps to create domain in consolde mode in web logic 10.3


pprak says July 21, 2010

Hi Atul:
I m trying to bring up the Weblogic 10.3 server but while creating the domain it fails with the following error, Appreaciate if you could help me resolve this issue:

Extracting Domain Contents…
Creating Domain Security Information…
Storing Domain Information…
String Substituting Domain Files…
Performing OS Specific Tasks…
Domain Creation Failed!

Domain Location: C:\bea\user_projects\domains\adomain

Reason: Got error in writing the node manager C:\bea\wlserver_10.3\common\nodemanager\ property file!


java.lang.Exception: Got error in writing the node manager C:\bea\wlserver_10.3\common\nodemanager\ property file!
at com.bea.plateng.domain.DomainNodeManagerHelper.registerDomainToNodeManager(
at com.bea.plateng.domain.DomainNodeManagerHelper.registerDomainToNodeManager(
at com.bea.plateng.domain.DomainGenerator.generate(
at com.bea.plateng.wizard.domain.gui.tasks.DomainCreationGUITask$

If i go ahead and try to start the Weblogic server from command prompt on windows box, I get following error:

starting weblogic with Java version:
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8453
java version “1.6.0_05”
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_05-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b19, mixed mode)
Starting WLS with line:
C:\bea\JDK160~1\bin\java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,addres
s=8453,server=y,suspend=n -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:CompileThr
eshold=8000 -XX:PermSize=48m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -ea -da:com.bea… -da:jave
lin… -da:weblogic… -ea:com.bea.wli…… -ea:com.bea.sbco
nsole… -Dplatform.home=C:\bea\WLSERV~1.3 -Dwls.home=C:\bea\WLSERV~1.3\server –
Dweblogic.home=C:\bea\WLSERV~1.3\server –
Dwlw.iterativeDev=true -Dwlw.testConsole=true -Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole=true -Dwe
ogic.policy weblogic.Server
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8453
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/Server
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: weblogic.Server
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
Stopping PointBase server…
PointBase server stopped.

    gaurav says May 5, 2016

    check the permission on lib directory and weblogic.jar inside that . it shd be readable

Atul Kumar says July 21, 2010

@ Surendra,
Did you mean silent mode and not console ?

Steps in console mode (command line) are going to be same as GUI .

Just run config.[cmd|sh] -mode=console

Atul Kumar says July 21, 2010

@ PPrak,
Looking at error message “Got error in writing the node manager C:\bea\ wlserver_10.3\common\ nodemanager\ ”

It looks like you are creating domain from different user (from one who installed)

You main issue while startup

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/Server

is because classpath (required jar files which contains server class is missing) is missing some files.

Check if you are creating domain correctly.

test12 says October 21, 2010


I have created 2 domains, but on the console I am able to login to only one domain at at time. If I try to login simultenously, the existing session is killed.

Atul Kumar says October 21, 2010

@ Test12,
You cannot run two domain on same port and same ip at same time (There is one console per domain).

Domain is logical separation of resource (console, jdbc, admin/managed server) check more on Domain at

test12 says October 21, 2010

@ Atul,

Thanks for replying.

So would this mean I cannot access even the managed servers belonging to 2 different domains at the same time? even though the domains are on different port (but same ip).

And also can you help me out with the following scenario…

I want to deploy an application twice, one for testing another for dev, on the same server. What configuration would suffice this?

Thanks for your help!


Atul Kumar says October 21, 2010

@ Test12,
You can run two weblogic domain (and two consoles) on same machine but they should either use different IP (Multiple Netwotk Card) or different Port (Single/Same IP).

Q. I want to deploy an application twice, one for testing another for dev, on the same server. What configuration would suffice this?

A. You should deploy them to two different domains but make sure that port number you are using for Admin Server (or Managed server) on these two domains are different

test12 says October 21, 2010


I tried with deploying it on 2 different domains with different port numbers for Admin Server and also the managed server.

I also tried creating 2 managed server in the same domain, with different ports.

But I am still able to access only 1 application at a time.

To add, the resources, server details are different for these 2 applications.

test12 says October 21, 2010


Also, I have associated the 2 managed servers with 2 different machines, but the node manager is the same. Could this be the reason?

Can there be 2 node managers? How to create a new node manager?


Atul Kumar says October 21, 2010

@ test12, You can create 2 managed servers in different domain and associate them to same machine (if they are on same machine).

Node Manager is 1 per machine usually (though you can create multiple node manager per machine). Make sure to add all domains on machine to node manager .

Note : Node Manager is required if you want automatic restart of managed servers or start of managed servers via console .

You can live without Node Managers (start managed servers via command line tools)

Suresh2011 says January 12, 2011


First of all thanks for providing such valuable information to us. I highly appreciate your hard work.

I was wondering if you have any steps /screens on how to deploy a war file on Weblogic cluster?

My setup:
1 admin server
1 cluster (with 2 manage servers)


Atul Kumar says January 13, 2011

@ Suresh2011,

Follow steps mentioned at

Only difference for Cluster is at end when screen prompts target instance , it will give you options like

a) Deploy to cluster
b) deploy to maanged server1
c) deploy to maanged server2
d) b) deploy to Admin Server

Select option a) i.e deploy to cluster

kanhiyalal says April 13, 2011

Problem Description: Current Environment
Oracle Application Server 10gR2 middle tier with Infrastructure with component OID, SSO, portal and repository database
integrated with Oracle application 11i ( with Oracle Database

What we want
Planning to Upgrade

Oracle Application Server 10gR2 middle tier with Infrastructure with component OID, SSO, portal and repository database
integrated with Oracle application 11i ( with Oracle Database

Oracle Weblogic Server with Infrastructure with component OID, SSO, portal and repository database
integrated with Oracle application 11i ( with Oracle Database

Please guide us.

Atul Kumar says April 13, 2011

@ kanhiyalal.
Glad to see that you have asked question with all information required. I am afraid answer is not going to be easy one

1. Thing to note is that there is no upgrade for 10g SSO (aka AS-SSO)

2. You can upgrade 10g OID to 11g OID and continue using 10g SSO (this is certified with EBS 11i)

To upgrade 10g OID to 11g OID follow

To upgrade 10g Portal to 11g Portal follow

and also check metalink notes

1146044.1 Using Oracle Internet Directory 11gR1 Patchset 1 ( and Single Sign-on with Oracle E-Business Suite

1286596.1 Using Oracle Internet Directory 11gR1 Patchset 1 ( and Single Sign-on with Oracle E-Business Suite

876539.1 Using the Latest Oracle Internet Directory 11gR1 Patchset with Single Sign-on and Oracle E-Business Suite

1074344.1 Using Oracle Portal 11.1.1 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i

vishal says April 15, 2011

i hv installed oracle 11g Database n Form-Reports..But my OEM is getting frequently crashed…Details r here..
Problem Event Name :APPCARSH
Application Name :nmupm.exe
Application Version :
Application TimeStamp :4bbffaf6
Fault Module Name :MSVCR71.dll
Fault Module Version :6.0.6001.18000
Fault Module TimeStamp :4791a7a6
Exception Code :c0000135
Exception Offset :00009cac

vishal says April 15, 2011

i hv installed 11g Database n forms-reports on Windows server 2008 32bit

Dharmendra says July 19, 2011

Hi i geting this error msg pls advise me
Version= WLS10.2

Weblogic server blog | kishore2k9 says December 21, 2011

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» OFSAAI - Oracle Financial Services Analytical Application Infrastructure : Installation Steps Online Apps DBA: One Stop Shop for Apps DBA’s says January 10, 2012

[…] weblogic domain by running (For steps on how to create domain in weblogic click here […]

hari says January 11, 2013

I am trying to install ofsaa and i got error as OFSSA – 1227 (Ensure that the 64-bit java executable is present in the path mentioned in set in JAVA_BIN tag of OFSAAI_Installconfig.xml) and i am sure i have installed 64-bit jdk (1.6.0_38) only, Please help me out on this issue…

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