How to find out Schema Passwords in a 10gAS Application Server

There are two basic methods to find out the schema passwords in a Oracle 10gAS Application Server:-

A) Steps (through the ODM tool):-

1)   Log onto the host that hosts the infrastructure tier (e.g. host is – ausable) using x-windows like Hummingbird.

2)    Log on as user “oracle” – the user that did the install.

3)   Source the infrastructure tier environment file (if you have one created that sets all the env. vars) as below:-

a.   $ cd bin – location of the environment file.

b.   $ . <as_infra> – environment file name.

4)   Open up oidadmin – Oracle Directory Manager tool as:-

a.   $ oidadmin

b.   Log in as orcladmin/<pwd> user.

5)   Follow the navigation path as below:-

Oracle Internet Directory Services -> -> Entry Management  -> Cn=OracleContext -> Cn=Products ->Cn=IAS -> Cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases -> OrclReferenceName=<>  -> OrclResourceName=<PORTAL> – The schema name you want the password for.

6)   On the right hand side window-pane, you should see a property called “orclpasswordattribute” on the “Properties” tab.

7)   The Properties Tab would contain the password for the schema as shown in Figure A below:-

Figure A

8)   When logging in through SQL*Plus, the password is case in-sensitive as usual. 

B) Steps (through the command line):-

1)Log onto the host that hosts the infrastructure tier (ausable).

2)Log on as user “oracle” – the user that did the install.

3)  Source the infrastructure tier environment file as below:-

a.   $ cd bin – location of the environment file.

b.   $ . <as_infra> – environment file name.

4)  $ ldapsearch -D cn=orcladmin -w inadm02 -p 389 -h ausable -b “cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext”  -s sub -v OrclresourceName=<Schema Name> 

5)  You should see the O/P like this below on the host:-

ldap_init( ausable, 389 )filter pattern: OrclresourceName=PORTAL

returning: ALL

filter is: (OrclresourceName=PORTAL)

OrclResourceName=PORTAL,,cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext



objectclass=top orclpasswordattribute=<Schema Password> 

OrclResourceName=PORTAL,,cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContextorclpasswordattribute=<Schema Password>orclflexattribute1=trueorclresourcename=PORTALobjectclass=orclResourceDescriptorobjectclass=top

2 matches 

6) From the above pick the password from the instance you are interested in finding out the password.   

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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