Generate SSH Keys

How to Generate SSH Key Pair for Oracle Cloud (Windows/Linux)

How to Generate SSH Keys Pair for Oracle Cloud (Windows/Linux)

If you are creating a Linux or Database Instance then You will need an SSH key pair to access the instances. An SSH key pair comprises a Private key and Public key.

Public Key will be used when you create the Instance & the Private key will be used at the time of Instance Connection.

Check the post- that covers:

▪ Steps to Generate SSH Key Pair in Windows
▪ Steps to Generate SSH Keys in Linux
▪ Steps to create Linux Machine on Oracle Cloud OCI
▪ How to Connect to the Compute/Database Machine?

About the Author Atul Kumar

Oracle ACE, Author, Speaker and Founder of K21 Technologies & K21 Academy : Specialising in Design, Implement, and Trainings.

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