Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes Architecture, Components (Master & Worker Node) & Managed Kubernetes (AKS, EKS, OKE, GKE)

Kubernetes is used to manage multiple Docker Containers running on multiple hosts.

Architecture & Components of Kubernetes include
A) Master Node: API Server, Controller, Scheduler, etc…

B) Worker Node: Kubelet, cAdvisor, Kube-proxy, Pods/docker Containers

Check out our Part 3 of 5 part video series on Kubernetes which covers:

➜ What Is Kubernetes?
➜ Kubernetes Architecture Key Points
➜ Kubernetes Components
➜ Kubernetes Master Node & It’s components
➜ Kubernetes Worker Node & It’s components

For more information, visit K21Academy’s blog post-https://k21academy.com/kubernetes12 and explore more.

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About the Author Atul Kumar

Oracle ACE, Author, Speaker and Founder of K21 Technologies & K21 Academy : Specialising in Design, Implement, and Trainings.

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