Draw an OCI Architecture Diagram for Architects | OCI Designer ToolKit | OKIT

Architecture diagrams are a great way to represent the overall design, deployment, and topology and provide a bird’s eye view.

There are a lot of tools available to draw an OCI Architecture diagram, like Visual Paradigm, Draw.io graphics, Cacoo template, OKIT, etc.
Want to know the best tool and how it is used?

Visit the blog post-https://k21academy.com/oci72, and explore for yourself.

If you are an OCI Architect and want to know how to draw an OCI Architecture Diagram using OCI Designer, then our blog covers it for you by explaining :
· Overview of OKIT
· Interface of OKIT & Steps to Install OKIT
· Creating a Custom Template
· Accessing OKIT from your browser

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About the Author Masroof Ahmad