Migrate SQL Server To an Azure SQL Managed Instance [Offline]

In this blog, we are going to cover the steps to Migrate SQL Server To An Azure SQL Managed Instance [Offline] using a database migration service (Adventureworks2016 database ) with minimal downtime and these roles are mainly performed by the database administrator.

What Is Azure SQL Managed Instance?

SQL Managed Instance is a PaaS deployment option of Azure SQL. It gives you an instance of SQL Server but removes much of the overhead of managing a virtual machine. Most of the features available in SQL Server are available in SQL Managed Instance.This option is ideal for customers who want to use instance-scoped features and want to move to Azure without re-architecting their applications. (Instance-scoped features are features that are tied to an instance of SQL Server, as opposed to features that are tied to a database in an instance of SQL Server.).

What Is Database Migration Service?

Azure Database Migration Service is a tool that helps you simplify, guide, and automate your database migration to Azure. Easily migrate your data, schema, and objects from multiple sources to the cloud at scale. It supports  Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Oracle migration to Azure from on-premises and other clouds.
Want to know more about

Migrate SQL Server To an Azure SQL Managed Instance [Offline]?Read the blog post at https://k21academy.com/dp30030 to learn more.
Topics, we’ll cover:

1.        What Is Azure SQL Managed Instance
2.        What is Database Migration Service
3.        Register the Azure DataMigration resource provider.
4.        Create an instance of Azure Database Migration Service.
5.        Create a migration project by using Azure Database Migration Service.
6.        Monitor the migration.

If you are planning to become a Microsoft Azure Database Administrator Associate, then join the FREE CLASS now at https://k21academy.com/ dp30002 .



About the Author Masroof Ahmad