Unable to call fnd_ldap_wrapper . create_user / update_user ORA-20001

This post covers steps on how to troubleshoot “Unable to call fnd_ldap_wrapper . create_user / update_user” issues. This is similar to issue I discussed here in May 2009


Setup – E-Business Suite (11i/R12) integrated with OID/SSO
Issue– Error while creating/updating user in EBS 11i/R12 – Unable to call fnd_ldap_wrapper . create_user | update_user


This error could be because of many reasons , to name few
1) More Secure Password Policy in OID compared to E-Business Suite
2) User already exists in OID but missing in E-Business Suite
3)  apps user does not have privileges to access dbms_ldap package.
4) AppsDN password expired in OID (password expiry in OID)
5) OID or DIP server not running

To narrow down issue, enable debug in Apps and then search for issues around error message.


How to troubleshoot fnd_ldap_wrapper issues ?

Step 1 : Enable Profile Option Debug

System Administrator -> Profile -> System -> set profile option “FND: Debug Log Enabled” to Yes


Step 2 : Reproduce Issue

Step 3 : Check logs in FND_LOG_MESSAGES table

SQL> select module||’ ‘||message_text , timestamp from apps.fnd_log_messages where timestamp > (sysdate – 1) order by timestamp;

fnd.plsql.oid. fnd_ldap_user. create_user: ORA-31202:DBMS_LDAP: LDAP client/server error: UnKnown Error Encountered
. Server Plug-in OCI failure 12-Aug-09

Step 4 : Search for issue mentioned in message_text from apps.fnd_log_messages (In my case ORA-31202 – Server Plug-in OCI failure which was caused by custom plug-in OID for ldapadd event)

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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