Access Server Exception:Error:Invalid document structure

Today I faced an error while restart the access server.  First I have seen an Oracle Access manager operation error while access the protected url. I thought this error occurring because of access server was down. So I’m tried to restart the access server but it’s not coming up. Below error I have seen while restart the service,

[hostname bin]$ ./start_access_server

Using Linux Threading Library.

Access Server started with pid: 16024

[hostname bin]$ Access Server Exception:  Error: Invalid document structure

Starting Access Server Watchdog…..

Access Server Watchdog cannot run, because there is no AAA Server to watch.

Again I have tried to restart the service but no luck. I don’t find any error in oblog.log file. The log level is TRACE. I’m totally confused why it happening.   After some workaround I got some clue about this issue. My guess is it was happened because of space consumption or any file was corrupted. Based on my guess I have performed some work around.

Workaround are,

1.       Check the usage of the disk and I removed the unwanted files.

2.       After i tried to start the service but no luck, again finger crossed.

3.       And I’m came to know some file has corrupted but I don’t know which was corrupted.

4.       Finally I got the file which has corrupted, the file is obaccessclient.xml.

5.       So I have replaced the obaccesscleint.xml file from my old backup.

6.       After that I have bounced the service this time its came up smoothly.

About the Author sarath

An Oracle Identity and Access Management professional, having working on Oracle Access Manager Single Sign-On implementations, Installation/Configuration of Identity Server, Web Pass, Web Gate, Access Gate, Policy Manager, Access Server, Policy Domains, Authentication /Authorization schemes, Single Sign-On (single and multi-domain), OIM, OVD, OID, OAAM, OIF, High Availability/Failover/ SSL deployment.

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