New Features in Oracle R 12.2.5 for Apps DBAs


This post on New Features in Oracle Apps 12.2.5 for Apps DBAs is coming from our Oracle Apps DBA Training (next batch starts on 31st October, 2015) where we cover Installation, Patching, Cloning, AutoConfig and other maintenance tasks. We also cover overview of Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade from 12.2.0 to 12.2.4 (and now 12.2.5) to show how to apply patches and new patch tool ADOP  in Oracle Apps.

Register early here for Oracle Apps DBA 12.2 Training to get discounted price (Limited Time Offer)

As you all know Oracle announced release of 12.2.5 last week and this seems to be the most awaited release in 12.2 series as there were many features which were includes. We are managing R12.2 since beginning for our customers and and witness the changes in Oracle Application.

From 11i to R12.1 to R12.2 major technology changes were there, We can say that R12.2.5 is one more steps closer towards Mobile/Cloud

First most visible feature for Business is Look & Feel. Oracle R12.2.5 has come up with Cloud/Icon based UI. Now you will see icons in the login screen which is more comfortable to view from Tablets and Mobiles.

For Apps DBA’s & DBAs side there are few excellent features which I want to highlight (more to follow in upcoming weeks):

1- dualfs option: Standard cloning was easy in R12.1 and when R12.2 was releases cloning was two steps (second step was almost repetitive)

In 12.2 (prior to 12.2.5)
Step1 -> Clone the Source run file system to target run file system
Step2 ->Clone the target run file system to target patch file system.

Now with dualfs option You can do both the above steps in one shot. Yes, Oracle reduced cloning efforts to almost 50% now. In one go both the file system will be configured.

2- Central Inventory: Believe me I am having the feeling that Oracle has started his own listener to Lister my pains. When you are hosting multiple Oracle R12.2 instances on the same server inventory is always need to considered and specially when you are running fs_clone. Now with the introduction of this feature we will be in a comfortable position.

3- ADOP – Maintainance and Validation:  I was wandering till now that why there is no dedicated utility to monitor the Online Pathing and now oracle has introduced one – adopmon. This can be used for
-Overall monitoring
-Individual Phase

Last time when I applied patch I missed to run fs_clone which was post patch application. Now when I ran prepare phase for the next cycle it went into error. We need to abort and cleanup and then redo the stuff again.

Now adop -validate will save us from all this and will let us know our instance is ready for the patching or not.
4- Weblogic oacore Performance enhancement: Overall if you have observed basic memory requirement or usage of R12.2 it is bit on the higher end compared to other versions. Specially managed server if you see it starts Java Messaging services, deployed EJB’s.
Also reported issue related to oacore that it takes long time and alos when you do startall script last one which get start and takes more time is oacore only.
So now oracle has addressed the performance side and did 2 enhancement

a)  Paramter -DserverType=wlx -> This is startup parameter for all the managed server and prevent startup of EJB, JMS,JCA services
b)  Context Variable s_deploy_portlet -> This prevent Portlet Producer libraries to get deployed in EBS domain.

Also default value of s_forms-c4wsstatus is set to Disable as earlier it was enabled.

5- ADOP UI : Someone well said “more information mean more confusion“. Keeping that in mind now ADOP UI has become more selective, to the point information, also more refined information from 12.2.5 onwards.

If you need to learn more on Oracle Apps DBA R12 (Architecture, Installation, WebLogic, Patching, Cloning and other maintenance tasks with the upgrade of Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2.0 to 12.2.4 (now 12.2.5) then have a look at our  Oracle Apps DBA Training (next batch starts on 31st October, 2015).

Oracle Apps DBA (E-Business Suite) R12.2

Live Instructor led Online sessions with Hands-on Lab Exercises, Dedicated Machines to Practice.

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Note: We are so confident on our workshops that we provide 100% Money back guarantee, in unlikely case of you being not happy after 2 sessions, just drop us a mail before third session and We’ll refund FULL money (or ask us from our 100s of happy trainees in our private Facebook Group)


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Series Navigation<< Install Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2 on Linux – Part I : Download, Stage & Start Oracle Apps 12.2 software installationSo you know enough in Oracle AppsDBA (EBS) R12.2 – Answer these ? Queries from our Day1 Apps DBA Training >>

About the Author Atul Kumar

Leave a Comment:

Qaiser khanzada says October 23, 2015

i want to training for orcale can you tell me where is your training center i hope you will be reply me.

SeemaYadav says October 24, 2015

Hi Qaiser,

Please drop us an email at for any training related information.

And you can register for our Apps DBA training from this page Fees is 847 USD but if you register before 26th October, 2015 you get 150 USD off but price goes up after that.

SeemaYadav says October 24, 2015

Qaiser, we also provide support for next 1 year post training.

rajesh says November 26, 2015

Hi All.

I started fresh installation 12,2,5 in RHEL 5.6 with 64 bit.

Downloaded the 12.2.5 files from

But i st-rucked in starting Installation part.I don’t have any doc for installation.
Please help me on this.If have any doc on this pl z provide me.its great help for me.
or else Let me know how to start the installation.


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