RBAC – Role-Based Access Control

Its a technique of regulating access to a computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users within an enterprise.

To find out all about Network policies in Kubernetes Check out this blog https://k21academy.com/kubernetessec12.

The blog will cover:
▪️What is RBAC in Kubernetes?
▪️Why RBAC?
▪️Authentication and Authorization in RBAC
▪️Role in RBAC
▪️Cluster Role in RBAC
▪️Role Binding in RBAC
▪️Cluster Role Binding in RBAC
▪️What is ABAC?

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About the Author Atul Kumar

Oracle ACE, Author, Speaker and Founder of K21 Technologies & K21 Academy : Specialising in Design, Implement, and Trainings.

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