Tag Archives for " oam "

Working with Access Gates in Oracle Access Manager

An access gate is required instead of a standard webgate when you need to control access to a resource where OAM doesnot provide out of the box solution. In addition to the creation of access gate profile in the Access Console, you would also need Access Server SDK to invoke Access System. To do this, […]

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Once again about MWA/MCSA

Well, this will be my start. Initally I planned a different topic for my first post. But with the recent talks about MWA/MCSA applications I can’t miss a chance to add my five cents to the subject. Autoconfig. In autoconfig-enbled environment configuration file mwa.cfg is written by autoconfig. So it would be good to modify […]

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OAS – OAM (Access Manager / Oblix COREid) Integration Architecture

Integrating Oracle 10g Application Server with Oracle Access Manager -Overview ========================= i) Oracle Application Server (OAS) can be integrated with Oracle Access Manager (OAM, earlier called as Oblix COREid) for Authentication and Authorization. Though Oracle Application Server has its own Authentication and Single Sign-On feature but integrating OAS with OAM provide more flexibility and security […]

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