[Recap] Day 4 and Day 5: OIC Agents [Oracle Integration Cloud] [1Z0-1042]

Posting Content: [Recap] Day 4 and Day 5: Connections, Adapters, Integrations and Web Services [Oracle Integration Cloud] [1Z0-1042]
  • An Oracle Integration Cloud specialist is responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of enterprise information systems.
  • This blog will share the Oracle Integration Cloud Cloud Day 4 and Day 5 Live Session Reviews and FAQ’s. This blog will help you in understanding core concepts related to OIC and will help you gear up for the OIC-1Z0-1042 certification exam.
  • In the Day 4 and Day 5 Live Session of Oracle Integration Cloud training program, we have covered OIC Connectivity Agents , Agent Set UpJDK InstallationAgent Groups, Agent Architecture, Agent Framework, ATP DatabaseATP Adapter

Read the blog post at https://k21academy.com/oicday4-5 to get more insights on it.

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About the Author Masroof Ahmad