Oracle Apps DBA Interview Questions – Install

Here is list of first 10 questions for Oracle Applications DBA Interview . These questions are also useful if you are preparing for Oracle Apps DBA Certification 1Z0-233 11i Install Patch and Maintain Applications

Q. Explain Single Node or Multi Node installation
Single Node
– All components of Apps 11i i.e. Database, CM, Forms, Web Server on single machine.
Multi Node – Apps 11i components on more than one Machine. 

Q. Explain single user or multi user installation ?
Single User – Both Database and Application tier are owned by Single Operating System Account 
Multi User – 11i Database Tier is owned by one O.S. User where as Application Tier is owned by different user. 

Note* In both cases Apps is installed as user ROOT 

Q. What is difference between express install or advanced install (system specific)
Express Install – Single User, Single Machine install where Apps 11i is installed on default location, Not much options during install.
Advanced Install –  Advanced install with option to define o.s. Users, Mount Points and advanced installation.

Q. What is difference between fresh database and vision database install types ?
Fresh Database –
Database is installed with Apps but with no data
Vision Database – Database installed with Apps with dummy data

Q. What are various components installed after 11.5.10 (11i) install ?
–9iAS ( web server, Developer 6i Forms & Reports, Discoverer, Jinitiator

Q. What is O.S. level software requirement for installing Apps ?
ar, ld, make & X Display server for all unix machines (linux, solaris, IBM, HP Unix )
with following additional as per O.S.

Linux– gcc, g++, ksh
HP-Unix– cc, acc
IBM AIX – cc, linkx1C

For Windows you need
Microsoft C++, MKS Toolkit, GNU Make

Q. What is minimum approx. disk requirement for 11.5.10 (Note these disk requirement changes as per type of installation, languages installed and release )

For 11.5.10
Application Tier File System – 26 GB
Database Tier (Fresh install) – 31 GB
Database Tier (Vision install) – 65 GB

Q. What is staging area ?
Staging Area
is special directory structure where you can dump 11i installation software so that you don’t have to insert CD’s during install and these disks will automatically be picked by Installer. 

Q. How you set up staging area ?
Use to create staging area orcreate required directory manually for staging like (following directories under Stage11i – startCD, oraApps, oraDB, oraiAS, oraAppsDB, oraNLS and inside these directories Disk1, Disk2…)

Q. Is it possible to install apps without staging area ?
These questions are very basic and for freshers who mention in their CV’s that they have installation experience, for advanced installation questions keep looking at this site 

 Stay tuned for some more questions on 1Z0-233 Oracle 11i Install Patch and Maintain

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About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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