Share files/folders from Windows to Linux on VMWare

This post is for our Online Apps DBA trainees trying to install Oracle Application on Virtual Linux machine.

If you install Linux O.S. as (Guest Operating System) on top of your existing windows machine using VMware virtual Server check here, Next step is to copy R12/11i/oracle software from windows machine to VMware Linux O.S.

Steps mentioned below are to share folder on Windows (host o.s.) and access it from Linux (guest o.s.)

 A. Share folder on Windows Machine 
1. Check your windows Workgroup name >> Right click on My Computer and click on Properties

2. Click on Computer Name tab and check Workgroup Name

3. Next step is to share folder on windows machine

Right click on Folder which you wish to share and access from Linux Machine and click on Properties

4. Click on Sharing taband select Share this folder on the network


B. Changes on Linux Virtual Machine (Guest Operating System)

1. During Linux installation, select Customize software packages to be installed

2. Click on Details against Server Configuration Tools

3. Select system-config-sambaSamba Server Configuration Tool

If you don’t want to select Samba Server specifically, then select everything
3.  select Everything from package list

After Linux installation, modify samba server configuration

Open /etc/samba/smb.conf and make following changes

1. workgroup = [change it to your windows workgroup] like

workgroup = WORKGROUP


2. server string = Samba Server [name] like

server string = Samba Server myLinux Server

3. Uncomment entry like hosts  allow  = [windows IP address]

to check your windows machine use “ipconfig

hosts allow = [your windows IP address here]

hosts allow =   (Please change above IP to your windows IP)

4. uncomment these two lines by removing ; (semicolon) from below two lines

encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd

5. At end of file uncomment following files

[myshare] comment = My Linux share                
path = /BI
valid users = oracle
public = no
writable = no
printable = no
create mask = 0765

Here “path = /BI” is windows share name and “valid users= oracle” is user on windows machine.
6. Restart samba server using

/etc/init.d/service smb stop
/etc/init.d/service smb start

7. Create directory on Linux to view windows shared folder
mkdir -p /stage/WinServer

8. Mount Windows share foler on linux using
mount -t smbfs -o username=atul, password=[password] // /stage/WinServer

above password is windows machine password for user atul (replace your windows username and password) is IP address of windows machine ( Change to your windows IP address and Verify that you can ping windows IP from Linux machine)
BI is shared folder name on windows
and /stage/WinServer is folder name on Linux

9. Access windows share on linux using

cd /stageWinServer



About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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