OIM/OIG – IDCS Connector Integration : [Troubleshooting] InvalidCredentialException: HTTP 401 Error : User not authorized to execute service

[Solved] OIM/OIG-IDCS Integration Issue because of wrong IDCS Service End Point

Error: IAM-1020021 Unable to execute job : IDCS Group Lookup Reconciliation org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.InvalidCredentialException: HTTP 401 Error : User not authorized to execute service.

If you are integrating OIM/OIG to IDCS using IDCS connector then make sure you read this post as there is documentation gap/

Error on 🏃‍♂ the scheduled job IDCS Group Lookup Reconciliation failing with the above error?

Check https://k21academy.com/idcs15 where the blog post will discuss:
Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS), OIM IDCS Connector Bundle, Connector Server
✔ The Scheduled Job for IDCS Connector
✔ The ERROR & its root cause
✔ The ⚒fix for the error





About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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