Oracle Identity Manager (User Provisioning – Thor)

Oracle Identity Manager is world class leading Identity Provisioning server which helps in creation of user, managing them and revoking access.
Oracle purchased Thor Technologies and bundled Identity Provisioning Server & Audit & Compliance module as Oracle Identity Manager.

Oracle Identity Manager is also known as Thor Xellerate Identity Manager or Oracle Xellerate Identity Provisioning.

Few Services in Identity Manager
1) Access Right Management : Granting & Revoking access rights for a resource (URL, site, services, server, database…)

2) Provisioning : process that grants users, groups appropriate access rights. It involves creation of user(if not already in system), granting or revoking(deprovision) rights to access resource(application, system, database…)

3) Deprovisioning : Opposite of above

4) Attestation : confirming from authorized user that access right or
other privileges are correct or not.

Architecture of Oracle Identity Manager
As shown in diagram above, Oracle Identity Manager uses three-tier architecture
A) Presentation Tier
B) Server Tier
C) Data & Enterprise Integration Tier

Presentation Tier consist of Administrative Console, Design Console and Custom Client.

Server Tier consist of Oracle Identity Manager server application with
various other component and act as bridge between Presentation Tier and
Data & Enterprise Integration Tier.

Data & Enterprise Integration Tier contains database server which contains Oracle Identity Manager Data.

Components in Identity Manager
—Oracle Identity Manager Server
—Oracle Identity Manager Remote Manager
—Oracle Identity Manager Design Console (Windows only)

Requirement for Installing Oracle Identity Manager
Oracle Identity Manager installation require
— A Supported Application Server (You can use Oracle Application
Server, JBOSS, Weblogic, Websphere….)
— A supported JVM (use Sun JDK)
— A supported Database (Oracle DB, MS-SQL)

More on installing Oracle Identity Manager and configuration coming soon..

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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