Installing Oracle Identity Manager (Thor Xellerate)

Before installing Identity Manager, make yourself familiar with Oracle Identity Manager Concepts and Architecture explained in previous related post.

Oracle Identity Manager can only be installed on Web Server (OAS, Webspehere, Weblogic, Jboss) and Remote Manager and Design Console (for windows only) can exist on same or separate machines.

Steps for installing identity manager vary as per your application server and database but underlying concept remains same. Steps mentioned here are specific to, installing Oracle Identity Manager with Oracle Application Server as web server and oracle database as data store.

Generic Steps for Installing Oracle Identity Manager
A) Install Web Server (OAS, Jboss, Webspahere)
B) Install & Configure Database for Identity Manager (Oracle, MS-Sql, sql server)
C) Install JDK (for OAS use JDK shipped with OAS)

A) Installing Web Server :
1. Download Oracle Application Server software (version at time of writing this doc) from
2. Select J2EE and Web Server option during installing OAS 10.1.3.X
3. Change RMI port in opmn.xml file to a specific port (from port range available in opmn.xml for RMI)
4. Set environment variable JAVA_HOME to $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre for user installing Identity Manager

B) Install and configure Database :
Identity Manager require database for storing policy data and metadata. before installing identity manager, you should install Web Server and Database server. In oracle database from list of databases, Oracle Identity Manager support both RAC and simple Oracle Database (without RAC). You can also use an existing oracle database as well.

1. Install oracle database software & create database (Follow oracle database installation Guide, You have option to create database while installing oracle database software via Oracle Universal installer)
2. Prepare your database for installing Oracle Identity Manager
—–2.1 Make sure JVM is configured & Query Rewrite is enabled (done in default database creation with database installer)
—–2.2 Enable XA Transaction Support
—–2.3 Create a tablespace for Oracle Identity Manager
—–2.4 Create database user for Oracle Identity Manager
You can do all these above steps using (.bat for windows) shipped with Oracle Identity Manager software.

If you don’t want to install new oracle database, you can use existing database for configuring identity manager tablespace & schema.

C) Installing Oracle Identity Manager :
Steps mentioned here are for installing Identity Manager on Unix
1. Before installing make sure
i) JAVA_HOME is set as mentioned above
ii) You are installing Oracle Identity Manager with same user who installed Application Server.
iii) uninstall commons-logging-1.0.2 from linux machine, if its there. To check if installed “rpm –qa grep commons-logging” To uninstall abobe package “rpm -e full_rpm_name”
iv) Database and application server already installed as mentioned above
2. start installer as sh (Installer will start in console mode & not GUI)
Supply requested information during installation.

It will prompt you for following details
–Password for OIM Administrator account
–Installation Type (Identity Manager or Identity Manager with Audit and Compliance Module)
–Directory where you wish to install Oracle Identity Manager
–Database Type
–Database Hostname, listener port, SID
–Database username/Password for OIM
–Authentication Mode (Default OIM authentication or SSO)
–Application Server Type
–Cluster information (Select if you wish to install OIM in clustered Application Server installation type)
Username/Password and Instance Name for Application Server
RMI port & OPMN port (If Application Server is Oracle Application Server)

Few things to note during installation
i) Choose different installation directory for various Identity Manager components (identity manager, remote manager, Design Console for windows)
ii) If you are installing Identity Manager using existing database, it will give you warning message

Start/Stopping Oracle Identity Manager Server
Identity Manager is installed as part of Web Server and will start/stop by starting/stopping webserver.
– Make sure database configured for Identity Manager is Up
– Start Web Server (for Oracle Application Server use, opmnctl startall Similarly for stopping OIM, stop application server (opmnctl stopall) and shutdown database.

Accessing Oracle Identity Manager Administrative/User Console
http://hostname:domainname:port /xlWebApp

hostname.domainname is full name of Server (or virtual name) where Application Server is installed.
–port is web server/apache/http or https port number (7777 is default for oracle application server)

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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