Zero Downtime Migration

Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) In Oracle Cloud (OCI) in 8 Steps

ZDM is a tool from Oracle that helps in migrating databases with Zero Downtime from On-Premise or OCI-C to Oracle Cloud (OCI) or Exadata Cloud at Customer (ExaCC).

ZDM copy data to Object Storage first, but is that the only option?
Comment: 1. If yes that’s the only option.
Comment: 2. If there are other options too and what are they (Hint: to migrate DB to ExaCC)

Check out this part 2 of 3 part video series on Zero Downtime Migration

which covers:
•Install & Configure & Migrate Database to Oracle Cloud (OCI) or ExaCC (Cloud@Cusotmer) using Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) in 8 simple steps.

For more, check out K21Academy’s blog post at

If you missed the First Part ZDM Overview & Capability then check out at

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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