What do you think of the word base? Confused! Let’s simplify it by adding prefix Data.Let’s talk about the Database:Do you think it’s essential to secure a company database?I must say no doubt that it is a backbone of a company and a sweet spot for hackers.
So it is very critical to secure a Database as all the data, whether personal or professional, are stored in a database.With that note, let’s dive into day eight recap of cloud security, where we discussed topics like
What is a key vault?
What is Database auditing?
What is a Data Box?Also,
we covered concepts like:
Authentication methods for a SQL
Discovery and classification.
Vulnerability assessments.
Advanced threat protection.
Data masking
Transparent Data Encryption
Always Encrypted,
and many more.
We also cover a few extra topics which you will find when you dive into this blog. So why wait? Jump on: k21academy.com/cloudsecday8
Also, if you want to learn cloud security from experts, don’t forget to join our class on: K21academy.com/az50002