Upgrade Oracle Application Server 10.1.X to

I noticed on Steven Chan’s blog that Discoverer 10g is now certified with E-Business Suite 11i & R12  so I decided to extend his post further with key points around patchset and where to find documentation related to upgrade from 10.1.2.X to

Things you want to know about “Oracle Application Server and Oracle Developer Suite”

1. is available as patch 4960210 (1.7GB)

2. This is not base release which means this is not complete software but patchset hence you can only apply on existing 10g Application Server (Portal, Discoverer/BI, Forms & Reports) software.  For list of version on which this patchset can be applied, check “Introduction” section of patch read me.

3. Infrastructure Database , DB listener and OID should always be running if you are apply this patch set. If you are using any component without OID & Infrastructure DB (like j2ee only or disco without SSO support ignore this point)

4. If you have disabled OC4J, you have to enable it before applying this patch & disable after applying this patchset.

5. Apply patch using runInstaller under Disk1 on Infrastructure tier (if you have one) and Middle tier. Middle Tier & Infra Tier should be in different ORACLE_HOME (These two ORACLE_HOME can be on single machine or different machines)

6. If Application server which you are planning to upgrade contain portal, upgrade portal repository manually. Go to ORACLE_HOME/portal/upg/plsql (Make sure you have already applied software update to this oracle_home by running runInstaller as mentioned in previous step)

6.1 Run portal Upgrade first in precheck mode ORACLE_HOME/portal/upg/plsql/patch.sh -precheck

6.2 If you don’t hit any issues during precheck mode, Then finally upgrade portal by running ORACLE_HOME/portal/upg/plsql/patch.sh

7.  If Application server which you are planning to upgrade contain wireless, upgrade wireless repository as well manually.

8. If you are using Business Intelligence/Discoverer component of Oracle Application Server, check Section 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, 9.8, 9.9 & 9.10 section of patch read me file (4960210)

Related Documents
1. Read Me of Patch 4960210
2. http://blogs.oracle.com/schan/2007/10/09#a2147

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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