1. Resources: In OIM’s terminology resource is external source like ERP, CRM, mainframes or LDAP Servers; to which OIM connects for Provisioning and Reconciliation
2) Reconciliation – Process of comparing and synchronizing accounts information in target system with OIM. Data flows into Oracle Identity Manager from External Source.
Type of OIM reconciliation – Two Type
a) Trusted Source Reconciliation – External Source is authoritative source (eg. HR), External Source drives creation, modification and deletion of user in Oracle Identity Manager.
b) Target resource reconciliation – external Source is non-authoritative source with which user is already provisioned.
Events in Reconciliation – Three type of events
a) Reconciliation Insert – OIM detects a user which does not exists in OIM
b) Reconciliation Update – OIM detects a modification to user which already exists in OIM
c) Reconciliation Delete – OIM decides that user present in OIM should be removed
3) Provisioning – Process to create, modify or delete user information in target resource is initiated by OIM. Data flow is from OIM to resource (external source)
Type of Provisioning in OIM
a) Day-one provisioning – involves initial creation of access privileges to resource(external source) for users and removal of these privileges.
b) Day-two provisioning – modification of privileges with resources (external source) based on business needs.
4) OIM Connector – is a container that holds information that OIM needs to reconcile user identity with external source and provision user with target resource. Mandatory components of connector are IT Resource Type (One and Only Resource Type per connector), IT Resource (One IT resource per resource), Process Form, Process Task Adapter, Resource Object, Provisioning Process, Process Task. More on connectors and its components here