Welcome to the Vertex Quantum for Sales and Use Tax application. I will describes the installation and configuration steps involved in interfacing the Quantum Sales and Use tax software with Oracle Applications 11.0.3 and 11i for Business OnLine as well as the maintenance and support information. Also will include information on upgrading from Oracle Applications 11.0.3 to 11i.
Vertex’s Quantum for Sales and Use Tax is an Oracle Partner application from Vertex, Inc. that integrates with Oracle Applications to provide our customers with a leading edge sales tax management solution, featuring seamless ties to Oracle Order Entry and Oracle Receivables.
Quantum complements Oracle Financials by addressing the complex requirements of sales tax rate maintenance, calculating, and reporting for companies who must collect and pay sales tax to multi-state taxing authorities. The integration of these products is through a series of open Application Programmatic Interfaces (APIs) that enable Oracle Financials, Release 11 and 11i, to transparently calculate and record correct tax amounts during sales and invoice transaction processing.
Quantum automatically receives detail transaction information from Oracle Financials to determine the appropriate tax rates. Using invoice and line item information, the correct sales and use tax rates, taxability and amounts are determined. This information is returned to the financial application. Quantum also maintains a tax history, which can be used for auditing, report generation and return preparation.
This integration creates a flow of data across the enterprise and allows access to time critical data with a single point of data entry. The integrated solution will include Quantum Tax Decision Maker (TDM). The Tax Decision Maker allows end-users to customize their tax compliance environment to meet the demands of their individual business requirements. This tool allows users to link the tax status of their products directly into their product codes, specify individual tax requirements by customer, flag overrides, register maximums, and create any other kind of exception requiring special calculation.
Quantum Application has three components:
1) PL/SQL Development Kit This is a series of programs, databases and Stored procedures that, when combined with Oracle Applications 11.0.3 and 11i for Business OnLine, can be used to create a sales tax compliance system. Sales tax compliance software uses invoice information from a host system and tax information in the quantum databases to calculate sales and use tax.2) Utility Kit Contains executables that create and maintain the rate and jurisdiction information and the Register Database. It also provides tools needed to generate reports and input for the returns preparation software. This kit can be installed on Windows 95/NT computers or on selected Unix servers.
3) Tax Decision Maker A windows application that enables the tax department to create and maintain information on how to collect tax by jurisdiction, product, customer, or any combination thereof. Some of the specific tax requirements are Overrides of normal tax rates, Surcharges, Exemptions, and Excess tax rates. This is a visual basic application and is available on PC’s only. It utilizes SQL *Net to connect to the database server. An optional Tax Returns module provides the common tax return forms.
More on How to Install Quantum & other interesting material coming soon ….