This is in continuation of my previous post for installing OID & SSO (Identity Management) components in High Availability (cluster) configuration with or without RAC Database.
Please go through first post i.e. Installing OID with RAC Database
Here is list of step you follow to install OID/SSO in cluster or load balancer configuration for High Availability
1. Ensure you have synced clocks on all OID nodes
2. Ensure you have installed Metadata Repository for Identity Management using
RepCA (in existing database)
Application Server Installer (Selecting MR Option)
3. Ensure that you have configures Load Balancer virtual name
— One for OID , distributing load (LDAP Requests) between oid nodes on port 389 (Non SSL) and another one 636 (SSL Port)
— Another for SSO, distributing load (HTTP Requests) port 80 or any other port of your choice
* Nodes which are part of OID cluster should be able to resolve these virtual names (OID & HTTP)
4. During installation you select “High Availability and Replication” Options and then select “OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management)”
5. Starting Installer on first OID node
– Select Identity Management option
– Select components you wish to install (OID, SSO, DAS, OCA) and also select “High Availability and Replication”
– Select port (default or custom list)
– Specify MR (Metadata Repository) connection detail. MR Should already be installed before Identity Management (OID & SSO) install
– Select “OracleAS Cluster (Identity Management)” option in this screen
– Provide other details to installer including load balancer URL for SSO (Single Sign-On) login
6. Starting Installer on sunsequent OID nodes
– Select Identity Management option
– Select components you wish to install (OID, SSO, DAS, OCA) and also select “High Availability and Replication”
– Select port (default or custom list)
– Specify MR (Metadata Repository) connection detail. MR Should already be installed before Identity Management (OID & SSO) install
– Specify existing OracleAS cluster for current instance to join and name cluster
– Specify ODS password (same as ias_admin)
– Provide other details to installer