BPEL Process Manager, Console, Domain and Sensor

BPEL : BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) is XML (eXtensible Markup Language) based language to design business process that integrates services into end -to-end process flow. BPEL is based on XML Schema, SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), and WSDL (Web Service Description Language)

BPEL Process Manager is used to design, deploy and manage BPEL business processes.
Key components of BPEL Process Manager are
A) BPEL Server – is Server on which you deploy BPEL Process. These processes are design by developers and contain Human Workflow (HW) , Adapters and Notification Services.
B) BPEL Console/Control – is console from which you run, test and manage BPEL Processes. This is Web Based interface to manage, administer and debug processes deployed on BPEL Server. You also manage BPEL Domains from BPEL Control.
C) Dehydration Store – Database to store BPEL Schema.

BPEL Domain : allows developer or administrator to partition single instance of Oracle BPEL Process Manager to multiple virtual BPEL sections (like dev, test, QA). When you install BPEL Process Manager (SOA Suite component) you get default domain by name “default“. BPEL Processes are deployed to a specific domain.

Managing BPEL domains – You use BPEL Control and BPEL Admin Console to create, maintain and administer BPEL Process Manager domain. Users available are oc4jadmin (with password you entered during install), bpeladmin or default with password welcome1

URL to access
BPEL Control: http ://hostname.domainname:port/BPELConsole
BPEL Admin: http ://hostname.domainname:port/BPELAdmin

Sensor: Sensors are used to specify BPEL activities, variables and faults that you wish to monitor during runtime. There are three types of sensor (Activity, Variable and Fault) which can be defined either through JDeveloper or manually using Sensor configuration file. You can view definition of sensor and its actions using BPEL Control (BPEL Process should be configured for this)

More on BPEL Control and Admin Console including SOA Suite coming soon…

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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