Install OID/SSO 10.1.4 OAS Infrastructure

This post covers step by step guide to install Oracle Application Server infrastructure Tier 10.1.4.

 Download Software and unzip it to your harddisk, this will create two directory Disk1 & Disk2

Go to Disk1 and start Installer by running ./runInstaller

Installer failed at it was looking for must be redhat-Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4, redhat-2.1, redhat-3, SuSE-9 or UnitedLinux-1.0
Failed <<<<

If you hit same error message by pass it by running

1../runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs

2. Click Next on Welcome Screen

3. On Specify File Locations screen, enter ORACLE_HOME name and Path, click Next

oid sso install

4. On Select a Product to Install, Select Oracle Application Server Infrastructure 10g (default selection is Identity Federation)

oid sso install

5. On Select Installation Type , select Identity Management and Metadata Repository
(You select
–Identity Management, if Metadata is already installed in existing DB
–Metadata Repository, if you wish to install OID/SSO and MR in different nodes)

oid sso install

6. On System Prereq. check, ensure that all checks are completed successfully. (In our case we are installing on Red Hat EL4 which is not supported, hence selected User Verified as shown in screen shot)

oid sso install

7. On Confirm Pre-Installation Requirements screen, select check box to confirm that you have Root Privileges , and click Next

8. On Select Configuration Options screen, leave default values

oid sso install

Tip* Select Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority is wish to issue and manage security certificate
Tip* Select HA if you wish to install IdM in High Availabality like Clustering, Replication ..

9. On Specify Port Configuration Option screen, select default port list. If you wish to use customized ports then create portlists.ini file on file system and provide that file as manual port list.
Tip* You can’t use customize database listener port during install, only option is to change after install

10. On Specify Namespace in Internet Directoryscreen, enter your default realm or namespace
Tip* By default this is same as domain name of machine on which you are installing OID

oid sso install

Tip* If you are installing OID as target instance to clone from source OID instance, realm of target OID install should be same as Source OID
Tip* users & groups are created under default realm

11. On Specify Database Configuration Options specify OID/SSO database name and datafile location

oid sso install

12. In next screen, specify instance name and ias_admin password


Password should be at least 5 characters with at least one digit

13. Click on Install button on final screen

OID install

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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