Internal Server Error, while accessing BPEL console

Hi All,

 I would like to cover the issue which i have faced today. BPEL worklist application integrated with OSSO(Oracle Application server We followed the metalink note 753087.1 for integrating BPEL worklist with OSSO. After BPEL worklist with OSSO integration we using the URL http://hostname:7777/integration/worklistapp/Login and encountered Internal Server Error. The beauty is, it’s worked before. Today morning we have tested and noticed this error. Please find the screenshot below


1. We have cross verified the hostname in both hosts file in BPEL and IDM OSSO servers. It was fine.

2. Verify the ports is accessible are not from BPEL worklist server to IDM server. It was fine.

3. We have restarted the services in both sides. After that same issue.

Later we got some clue in worklist log

An error occurred while fetching location for user: null. Error Message: Error encountered when resolving user – DN = cn=null,cn=Employee,cn=Users,dc=nic,dc=co,dc=in [LDAP: error code 32 – No Such Object]

We have seen above error in logs when hit the BPEL worklist application url, its searching user ‘null’ in LDAP server.

Then we have verified the OID configuration in BPEL worklist and then we applied orcladmin password once again. After password change we restarted the services.

You can verify the values in is_config.xml file  

/u01/apps/oracle/product/ file.

The file contents look as follows:  

<?xml version = ‘1.0’ encoding = ‘UTF-8’?>

<ISConfiguration xmlns=””>

<configurations><configuration realmName=”nic” displayName=”nic_Realm”>

<provider providerType=”JAZN” name=”OID”>

<connection url=”ldap://″binddn=”cn=orcladmin” password=”admin123″ encrypted=”false”/>



Above mentioned issue get vanised. I hope this will help you…..

About the Author sarath

An Oracle Identity and Access Management professional, having working on Oracle Access Manager Single Sign-On implementations, Installation/Configuration of Identity Server, Web Pass, Web Gate, Access Gate, Policy Manager, Access Server, Policy Domains, Authentication /Authorization schemes, Single Sign-On (single and multi-domain), OIM, OVD, OID, OAAM, OIF, High Availability/Failover/ SSL deployment.

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