We are getting lot of questions on Hot Backup Cloning of 11i in the forum. So we thought that, if we write one article regarding this, it will be more useful for the apps newbies. Here I am sharing the information that, what i follow during the hotbackup cloning. You all might have done this before.
Source System (PROD):
(a) P4 3.0 GHz System with 2GB RAM and 200 GB HDD (Redhat Linux AS 4)
/d01 ——- 40 GB (Application Tier Files)
/d02 ——- 10 GB (10g Oracle Home)
/d03 ——- 80 GB (Data Files)
/backup —- 100 GB (NFS mount point Shared on TEST Server)
Hostname: prodserver
Application Version:
Database Version: Target System (TEST):
(b) P4 2.6 GHz system with 1.5 GB RAM with 300 GB HDD (Redhat Linux AS 4)
/d01 ——- 40 GB (Application Tier Files)
/d02 ——- 10 GB (10g Oracle Home)
/d03 ——- 80 GB (Data Files)
/backup —- 100GB (NFS Share Directory)
Hostname: testserver
Application Version:
Database Version:
Note: This target System was previously cloned with cold backup. This is second time cloning with Hot Backup from PRODSERVER.
Stage1: Prerequisites:
========> Apply OUI22 Patch, 5035661 to every IAS Oracle Home
and RDBMS Oracle Home to be cloned.
If you are having 10g Oracle Home,
there is no need of applying this patch.
You need to apply this patch on IAS Oracle Home
(if Database is not 10g)
A. Applying the patch on the iAS $ORACLE_HOME:
(a) Unzip the patch into the <iAS ORACLE_HOME> directory:
$unzip -od /d01/prodora/iAS p5035661_11i_LINUX.zip
(b) Source the Apps environment file :
(c) Change directory to the <IAS ORACLE_HOME>/appsoui/setup
$cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/appsoui/setup
(d) Execute the perl script OUIsetup.pl:
$perl OUIsetup.pl
In the case of a Multi-Node instance, the above process
should be repeated on the <iAS ORACLE_HOME> of each Node.
(B) Applying the patch on the RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME:
(This step is not required for my current setup,
because my database version is 10g R2)
(a) Unzip the patch into the <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME> directory:
$unzip -od /u01/proddb/9.2.0 p5035661_11i_LINUX.zip
(b) Source the DB environment file :
$. $ORACLE_HOME/PROD_prodserver.env
(c) Change directory to the <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsoui/setup
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsoui/setup
(d) Execute the perl script OUIsetup.pl:
$perl OUIsetup.pl
======> Check all other Requirements as Perl, JRE, JDK, ZIP utilities on Source and Target Nodes as per
document "Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with Rapid Clone"
=======> Apply the Latest AD Minipack on Application Tier (Latest One is AD.I.5)
=======è Apply the Latest Autoconfig Template Patch and Latest Rapidclone Patches to Application Tier (Check Metalink for These Patches)
Stage2: Prepare the Source System (PRODSERVER)
(a) Login into Database Tier as ORACLE user and run the preclone
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/PROD_prodserver
$perl adpreclone.pl dbTier
(b) Login into the Application Tier as APPLMGR User and run the preclone
$cd $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/PROD_prodserver
$perl adpreclone.pl appsTier
Stage3: Put the Database in Begin Backup Mode and copy the Database Files
(a) Login into database as sysdba user
$sqlplus "/as sysdba"
Sql> alter database begin backup;
(b) Copy Archive log files created during hot backup to /backup directory.
(c) Copy the All Data files to /backup directory.
(d) Backup the control file to trace.
Sql> alter database backup control file to trace;
Copy this trace file to /backup directory
(e) Copy the current init.ora file to /backup directory
(f) End the Begin Backup Mode.
Sql> alter database end backup.
Stage4: Copy the Application Tier File System Files
(a)Login into the Application Tier as APPLMGR user and copy the APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP,
IAS ORACLE HOME and 8.0.6 Oracle Home to /backup directory
Stage5: Copy the Source Database files and Application Files to Target server
Copy the parameter file, backup control file and archive log files from /backup directory
to /d01, /d02 and /d03 in target server.
Stage 6: Configure the Target Database (TESTSERVER)
Log on to the target system as the ORACLE user
(1) Configure the <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>
cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
perl adcfgclone.pl dbTechStack
(2) Create the target database control file manually
Open the backed up control file
a. remove all lines before the startup nomount statement
b. Modify the REUSE to SET
c. Modify Source DB SID to Target SID (Here PROD to TEST)
e. delete all lines after the CHARACTER SET statement
‘/d03/log01.log’ SIZE 50M,
On the target system, modify the init.ora to have the target SID and location of the control file and also make sure that init.ora parameters are set for archive log mode On the target system,
starup the database in nomount stage
sql> startup nomount pfile=< Target init.ora path>
sql> @clone.ctl ( here clone.ctl is the control file which we have modified above)
Once control file is created, database will be in mount stage
execute recover command using backup control file after the database is mounted
After the last archive log has been applied, issue the following command
SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
After opening the database, add temp files to target database
(3) Run the library update script against the database
cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/install/<CONTEXT NAME sqlplus “/ as sysdba” @adupdlib.sql <libext>
Where <libext> is “sl” for HP-UX, “so” for any other UNIX platform and not required for Windows.
(4)Configure the target database (the database must be open)
cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
perl adcfgclone.pl dbconfig <target context file>
where target context file is: <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/<Target CONTEXT_NAME>.xml
Stage 7 : Configure the Target Application Tier
Logon to the target system as the APPLMGR user and type the following commands
$Cd $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin
$Perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier
Finishing tasks:
(1) Update Profile options
(2) Update Printer Settings
(3) Update the workflow configuration settings
(4) Verify the APPLCSF variable setting
(5) Update the session_cookie_domain value in icx_parameters
For the finishing tasks, check the finishing tasks section of the following document
Cloning Oracle Applications Release 11i with rapid clone Note: 230672.1