How 2 become Oracle Apps DBA : Part I: E-Business Suite R12.2 Architecture

[Post Updated on March 03, 2017 for latest version of Oracle E-Business Suite i.e. R12.2.6]

This post covers first and most important topic to Learn to become Oracle Apps DBA i.e. Architecture of Oracle E-Business Suite R12.2.

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There is lot of Oracle Apps Training material available on internet/Oracle Site and at the same time lot of Training Institutes providing Oracle Apps DBA Training.

It is up to you if you want to learn E-Business Suite at your own or want a formal Training as Oracle Apps DBA (You can learn on your own but Training can shorten your Learning Time).

This and following posts will cover Everything you should learn as an Oracle Apps DBA.

To become Oracle Apps DBA first and important thing is that you should be very well familiar with Oracle Applications/E-Business Suite Architecture . Give as much time as possible to Architecture & understand all basic component like Client Tier (HTML/Jinitiator), Fusion Middleware (Web Server & WebLogic Server), Forms , Concurrent Manager, and Database.

Now where to find Basic Architecture of Oracle E-Business 11i ? EBS Documentation contain documentation link of all Oracle E-Business Suite versions i.e. R12.2, R12.1/0, and 11i.

Open Guide Oracle Applications Concept & read chapter 1 only, covering Client (Desktop) Tier, Application Tier, and Database Tier.

Application Tier contains Fusion Middleware Components i.e. Web Server / WebLogic Server, Form Server, Concurrent Manager Tier (more about these in my upcoming posts).

Here are key points related to Architecture in E-Business Suite R12.2

1. There are two type of Applications in E-Business Suite i.e.
a) HTML-based accessed using Web Browser
b) Form-based accessed using Java Applet (runs as JVM inside Web Browser) and need JRE enabled Browser

2. Three are three ORACLE_HOME in total (2 on Application Tier and 1 on Database Tier)
a) Fusion Middleware Oracle Home supports WebLogic and supersedes 10.1.3 in previous R12 and 9iAS in 11i
b) OracleAS 10.1.2 Oracle Home containing Form App & frmweb executable that was present in previous R12 version too
c) Database Oracle Home 12c or 11g , depending on which StartCD you use to install R12.2 (more on R12.2 Installation & StartCD later)




About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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