Oracle Apps Patch Basics

Lot of you asked me about patch basics & even I myself was confused with Apps Patches terminology initially as I used to hear family pack, mink pack, maintenance pack, patchset, security patch and lot many other type of patches so I thought of introducing you with patching terminology & all these buzz words oracle uses to impress people like you & me.

But before that if you have reached to this post first time & haven’t read all my previous post I’ll recommend you to go through them as they are basics & very important to understand what I am putting here & in future.

So now lets start with patch basics / terminology
Standalone/Oneoff patches : This is used to define patch created to fix single/particular problem.
Mini Pack : This is group of oneoff patches for a particular product like INV, GL, AP and named like 11i.GL.E ( means this group of patches contain fix for 11i GL product (General Ledger till time E is released ) This is cummutative which means it will include 11i.GL.A, 11i.GL.B ….11iGL.D till 11i.GL.E earlier in 10.7 it used to called as patchset.
Family Pack : Group of mini packs in one family buldeled together is called as family pack. they are usually named as 11i_PF. Few example of falilies are SCM ( 11i.SCM_PF.G ), ATG ( 11i.ATG_PF.H ) _PF indicate Product Family Pack
Maintenance Pack : Group of family pack together is called as maintenance pack. So if you say your Verison is 11.5.10 then its maintenance pack 10 ( 3rd digit is maintenance pack ) so

To wind up things you can say

few one off patch make mini pack , few mini pack related to same family bundeled together as family pack & all family pack fixed till that time are bundeled in Maintenance pack .

Oh wait I forgot to tell about NLS Patch ( When you have more than one language , like english & arabic or french .. ) then apart from normal patch you have to apply patch for specific language Installed in your system called as NLS patch ( What is NLS or MLS coming soon ..)

Next I am going to cover patch basics part II

Don’t forget to leave your comment about what else you want to hear about .
Apps Learning

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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