How to apply apps patch using adpatch

Now you know basics of apps patch like type of patches & options available with patching, lets see how to apply patches in oracle applications 11i .

Two broad ways to apply patch interactive & noninteractive(You will supply required parameters on commnad line & patch will apply without asking you any questions as you have already provided answers)

You being new to apps patching will prefer to interactive way f patching , let adpatch throw series of questions & you answer each of these .
If you want to use any option with adpatch enter adpatch with options= seprated by comma (If you don’t supply any options it will take defaukt value set for that particular option like compiledb & compilejsp)
You have to issue adpatch from application user (User you entered as applications/middle tier user usually applmgr if you insatlled using oracle standard documentation like )

adpatch options=nocompiledb,nocompilejsp
Based on you AD verison it will ask you questions like with some suggested value

Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes] Log file name & location

Once patch is applied you might be interested in checking log files

If patch fails then you have to use utility adctrl to check for which worker it failed & check corresponding worker log file to see error message.

For more information on patches & patch basics follow metalink note # 181665.1
I’ll cover adctrl to see error message & how to reduce patch timing using defaults file day after tomorrow.

Oracle Apps DBA

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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