OID in 10g Application Server (Standalone or with Apps) is quite important so today I am going to discuss how you should troubleshoot OID and related Issues .
How to Check if OID is UP ?
First check if OID/Oracle Internet Directory is Up or now. Following are few ways you can confirm if OID is up or not.
Method 1 :
opmnctl status (Execute it at Infra Oracle_HOME)
You should see output like
Processes in Instance: INFRA01.teachmeoracle.com
ias-component process-type pid status
OID OID 2355 Alive
Which means OID is up (Please note sometime if OID ports are not binded you will still see OID up but no OID ldap process. This is because opmn monitors/starts only oidmon – OID monitor process which in turn starts oid ldap process so opmn is not aware that oidmon was not able to start oid ldap server)
Method 2
Check if OID ports are listening or not
OID by default starts on both SSL (636) & Non SSL port (389) so check it with unix command netstat like
$ netstat -an grep 636 more
$ netstat -an grep 389 more
Troubleshoot OID
If you see OID process are not running then try to start OID , steps are
1. Make sure OID database & listener are up & running , If not start them . Sometime it happens that there might be more than 1 database in your system (one for E-Business, one for portal, one for disco and one for OID/Infra MR) and if you wish to find which database is used by OID–
open opmn.xml in ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf
category id=”oidmon-parameters”
data id=”connect” value=”INFRA”/
data id=”host” value=”teachmeoracle.com”/
data id=”run-oidctl” value=”true”/
Which means OID database is on machine teachmeoracle.com & connect value is INFRA
2. After starting database you can try starting OID via opmn like
opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID or
opmnctl startall
Check for any error messages in $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/log
oidmon.log – OID monitor process log file
oidldapdXXXX.log – OID Ldapd server process log file
odisrvXXX.log – OID Integration & Provisioning Server log file
Check for error message in Metalink
If you see any error message in above log file & don’t understand feel free to leave comment on this blog.