As mentioned in Steven Chan’s post that IM 10.1.4 is Certified with Oracle Apps 11i so I think its right time for me to discuss further on Oracle Internet Directory (OID) which is part of Oracle Identity Management . In today’s post I’ll discuss on OID Architecture and its component.
For my previous post on OID click here Oracle Internet Directory Basics
Oracle Internet Directory Instance : OID Instance serves directory requests through single OID dispatcher process listening at specific TCP/IP port (389 for Non SSL & 636 for SSL) . There can be more than One directory server Instance each listening on different port. In diagram on your left there are two OID Instance, Instance 1 listening on Port 389 and Instance 2 listening on 636. (DBA’s can corelate this with database Instance)
Replication Server : This server tracks and sends requests to another LDAP server (iPlanet, Active Directory Server). There can be only one Replication server per OID Node (OID Node is different from OID Instance). You have option to configure Replication Server if required. If your users are in any other LDAP Server like Microsoft Active Directory you can configure to replicate them & configure future replication via OID Replication Server.
OID Monitor : This process monitors, initiates, terminates LDAP servers process. When you start OID using opmn , opmn in turn delegate this to OIDMON which in turn initiates OIDCTL (OID control utility) to start Directory server Instances. As depicted in Architecture Diagram on left OIDMON communicates to OID Server Instances via Operating System.
Database Server : Database server is used to store OID data. Database can be on same server as OID node or on separate server.
OIDCTL : is utility to start/stop OID Instance (oidmon should be running before starting OID server Instance via oidctl) . OIDCTL communicates with OIDMON by placing message data in OID server tables.
Directory Manager : OID Manager is Java based GUI tool to manage Oracle Internet Directory. This is started by command oidadmin (More about this coming soon)
OID Node : All these components mentioned above together comprise one Oracle Internet Directory Node.
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