Integration Steps – 10g AS with OAM (COREid)

In today’s post I am covering integration of 10g Oracle Application Server with Oracle Access Manager (Oblix COREid)

For overview of Oracle Access Manager & Oracle Application Server integration check my previous post at

For installation of Oracle Access Manager (Oblix COREid) click here

Here are the integration Steps

1. Install Oracle Application Server 10g
1.1 Install OAS Infrastructure Tier (MR, OID, SSO..)

2. Install Oracle Access Manager component

2.1 Install Identity Server
2.2 Install WebPass
2.3 Install Access Server (including webpass)

3. Configuration step on 10g OAS
3.1 Install WebGate on HTTP Server on 10g AS Middle tier node
3.2 Install webgate on HTTP Server on 10g AS Infra Tier (SSO & OADDAS access)
3.3 Configure OracleAS Single Sign-On for external Authentication
3.4 Configure web browser to allow cookie (as authentication mechanism works on cookie)

4 Integrate 10g OAS with OAM

4.1 Enable Single Sign-On for integration between OAS and OAM (by creationg java class and editing

4.2 Integrating DAS (Delegated administrative services) (If you have configured OAS SSO integration with OAM SSO, oiddas is autmoatically integrated)

4.3 Integrating Portal (No additioanl steps required if OAS-OAM is integrated as mentioned above)

4.4 Enabling SSO on forms (enable OAS-SSO for forms and this will be protected automatically as per OAS – OAM single sign-on integration mentioned above)

4.5 Integrating reports (By defaults reports are Oracle AS single sign-on protected so no additonal steps required )

4.6 Configure OID synchronization with LDAP Server (If Access manager is in different LDAP Server)

4.7 Configure global logout from Oracle AS Single Sign-On and Access Manager (edit on OAS SSO server, Add SSO logout URL in Access System console on OAM, provide new global logout page inWebgate Instance configurable via access system console in OAM)

4.8 Finally create policies to protect 10g OAS resources (URL’s) in policy manager by access server in OAM (/sso/auth, /oiddas, /pls/orasso, /pls/portal…).

This can be done via OAM Policy Manager in Access Server
Access Server (/access/oblix) -> Policy Manager -> Create Policy Domain

Configuring Oracle Calendar Synchronization directly from your mobile coming soon…

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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