Oracle Content Server provide Repository and Core Services required for Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM, Content Management product from Stellent)
This post covers key points for Content Server Installation and documentation related to Content Server and UCM
Installation Requirement
Apart from operating system you need following software to install content server
1) JVM 1.5 (This comes by default with content server or you can use JVM of your choice)
2) Web Server – Sun Web Server (6.1 or Higher) or Apache (2.0.55 and Higher or 2.2.x) or IBM HTTP Server (2.0.42 or higher) or Oracle HTTP Server (1013 or higher built on Apache2)
3) Database – MS SQL Server (2000, 2005) or Oracle Database (10g R1 & R2 or 9.2.X) or IBM DB2 (8.1, 8.2) or Sybase (ASE 15) )
Things to note
1. Usually Web Server and content server are on same machine but they can be on different machine (for extra security)
* Site Studio is not compatible in setup where Web Server and Content Server are on different server
2. Identify where you wish to store Native file repository (Vault) and web-viewable file repository (Web Layout) – more on Vault & Web Layout coming soon ..
3.You can configure database for Content Server during content server installation (automatically) or can configure later manually using scripts at /UCM/ContentServer/database/<db_name>
4. You can configure web server for Content Server during content server installation (automatically) or can configure later manually.
5. Software for content server is in directory UCM/ContentServer/[operating_system]like for linux its in UCM/ContentServer/linux (where UCM is directory created by unzipping Content Server Software)
6. To start installation run ./ from above directory
7.Security filter is used to restrict access to content server, only IP listed in security filter can access content server. Multiple IP’s can be added to Security Filter during installation and can be modified later.
* Security Filter does not restrict access to Content Server via browser, it only restrict access for technologies like Report Parser, Content Integration Suite …..
8. If Web Server and Content Server are on different machine then IP address of Machine hosting web server should be in Security Filter list
9. If there are multiple content server then assign different URL prefix for each content Server.