Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications

 Mobile Supply Chain Applications allows you to perform common warehouse and shop floor transactions from any location in the manufacturing facility through the use of handheld devices. These include PDAs, handheld Radio Frequency (RF) units etc. This Application enables real-time interfaces to Oracle Applications through user interfaces. You can access the system from anywhere RF network coverage exists. This enables you to complete transactions inside oroutside the manufacturing facility.

Applications Integration – A mobile supply chain application integrates with several Oracle Applications. The following are available features that can be used:

Mobile Manufacturing – This provides Oracle Work in Process transactions using mobile devices.

Mobile Quality Mobile – This provides Oracle Quality transactions using mobile devices. You can query any quality collection plan, enter data directly into it, and view Specifications. 

Materials Management – This provides Oracle Inventory, Oracle Purchasing Receipts and Oracle Shipping Execution transactions using mobile devices.

Mobile Supply Chain Application Server – The Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Applications Server is a java based mobile server that supports the Telnet Protocol. The Telnet Server module has two sub-modules:Telnet Protocol Handler.Presentation Manager.

Setting up MWA Server

To setup the MWA server the steps are as follows.

 Configure mwa.cfg

The following procedure lists the steps necessary to configure the mwa.cfg file.

1. Locate the mwa.cfg file in the $MWA_TOP/secure directory.

2. Copy the file Mwa_template.cfg to the file mwa.cfg.

3. Edit the mwa.cfg file and configure following parameters:

a. Set mwa.DbcFolder=full directory of folder containing the .dbc file endingwith “/”.

b. Set mwa.DbcFile=dbc file name

c. Set mwa.logdir=full directory of log file

d. Set mwa.TelnetPortNumber=default port#

e. Setmwa.DropConnectionTimeout= no. of minutes

f. Set mwa.StaleSessionTimeout= no. of minutes

g. Set mwa.LogLevel=error or trace

Configure default_key.ini

To configure the default_key.ini file take the following steps.

1. Locate the default_key.ini file in the $MWA_TOP/secure directory.

2. Use the default_key.ini file if you do not need to make any changes.

3. If you need to make customizations, create a new file e.g. intermec2415_key.ini

a. Associate Server-Defined actions to Device keys:<Action> =<Key>=<Description> eg. MWA_CLEAR_FIELD=CONTROLK=Clear

b. Specify a device

 Configure Device IP.ini

The following procedure lists the steps necessary to configure the deviceIP.ini file.

1. Locate the deviceIP.ini file in the $MWA_TOP/secure directory.

2. Copy the deviceIP_template.ini file to the deviceIP.ini file. This file associates adevice with a key mapping file.

3. Map the device name and IP address as follows:

a. Mapping by device name: Intermec 2415=intermec2415_key.ini

b. Mapping by IP address: 130.35.112.*=intermec2415.ini


ensure you installed your environment properly, verify the following information:

Verify the telnet port and the next consecutive port is not in use i.e. 2323 and2324.

The environment was set by sourcing the APPLSYS.env file.

$MWA_TOP is set correctly.

The DbcFolder and DbcFile in the mwa.cfg file is set to the location and filename of your Oracle Application .dbc file.

The log directory exists.

The $CLASSPATH includes and

The next post will focus on how to configure MWA Dispatcher

For complete guide visit the following Link

Oracle Mobile and Supply Chain – Installation and Implementation Guide

About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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