Creating a new oidldap configset

By default, “Default Coniguration Set” used by the oidldapd process this will not be sufficient for a large deployment on a multiprocessor machine.

Two ways we can create a configset

1.    Creating a new oidldap configset using Oracle Directory Manager

2.    Creating a new oidldap configset using ldif file.

Creating a new oidldap configset using Oracle Directory Manager

i.      Launch the Oracle Directory Manager

ii.     On the left side of GUI tool, expand Server Management (click on plus)

iii.    Expand Directory Server

iv.   Highlight Default Configuration Set

v.    Right Click mouse and select CREATE LIKE

vi.   Set MAX # of DB Connections a value from 1 – 10.

vii.  Set Number of Child processes to 4, or equal to number of CPUs (whichever is greater)

viii. Adjust the LDAP Ports To Values of Your Choice

ix.   Exit the Oracle Directory Manager

Creating a new oidldap configset using ldif file.

i.      Use the ldapsearch utility to dump the default configset to a file.

$Oracle_home/bin>ldapsearch -p <port> -h <host> -D cn=orcladmin -w <oidpwd> -L  -b “cn=configset0,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry”  -s base objectclass=* > configset1.ldif

ii.     The file: configset1.ldif should look like:

dn: cn=configset0, cn=osdldapd, cn=subconfigsubentry

orclsslenable: 2

orclmaxcc: 2

orclnonsslport: 3060

orclsslport: 3130

orclsaslcipherchoice: RC4-56

orclsaslcipherchoice: DES

orclsaslcipherchoice: 3DES

orclsaslauthenticationmode: 1

orclsaslmechanism: DIGEST-MD5

orclsaslmechanism: EXTERNAL

orclsslversion: 3

orclsslwalleturl: file:

orclserverprocs: 1

orclsslauthentication: 1

orclnormdn: cn=configset0,cn=osdldapd,cn=subconfigsubentry

objectclass: top

objectclass: orclConfigSet

objectclass: orclLDAPSubConfig

cn: configset0

iii.    Edit the file making the following changes (removing lines as necessary):

dn: cn=configset1, cn=osdldapd, cn=subconfigsubentry <-configset name

objectclass: top

objectclass: orclConfigSet

objectclass: orclLDAPSubConfig

cn: configset1  <—————————————Configset name

orclsslenable: 2

orclmaxcc: 5 <——————————————Max process size

orclnonsslport: 389  <———————————Ldap port no

orclsslport: 636 <————————————-SSL port no

orclsslwalleturl: file:

orclserverprocs: 4  <———————————–server process

orclsslauthentication: 1

orclsslversion: 3

iv.   Load the new configset.

ldapadd -p <PORT> -h <host> -D cn=orcladmin -w <oidpwd> -f ./configset1.ldif

After export the new configset1 we need to follow the below steps:

In our case I have two machines sitting in different machine and both are cluster.

1.    Start the oidmon in both node

For Node1:

oidmon connect=idmprod host=hostname start

For Node2:

oidmon connect=idmprod host= hostname start

2.    As Node 2 is started, we’ll first want to stop it with this command, i.e.:

oidctl connect=idmprod server=oidldapd instance=1 stop

NOTE: Make sure there are no OIDLDAPD processes running at this point. If there are any running out of this Oracle Home, kill them.

3.    Now restart OID on node 2 with the command:

oidctl connect=idmprod host=hostname server=oidldapd instance=1 configset=1 start

4.    For Node 1, first make sure there are no OIDLDAPD processes running at this point. If there are any runnings out of this Oracle Home, kill them.

5.    Then start with this command:

oidctl connect=idmprod host=hostname server=oidldapd instance=1 configset=1 start

This should give us 2 separate entries in the ods.ods_process table and ensure OIDMON is also working for the correct hosts.

About the Author sarath

An Oracle Identity and Access Management professional, having working on Oracle Access Manager Single Sign-On implementations, Installation/Configuration of Identity Server, Web Pass, Web Gate, Access Gate, Policy Manager, Access Server, Policy Domains, Authentication /Authorization schemes, Single Sign-On (single and multi-domain), OIM, OVD, OID, OAAM, OIF, High Availability/Failover/ SSL deployment.

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