Configure OBIEE 11g Client to connect to 11g RPD in online mode

This post covers steps to install OBIEE 11g client on windows and connect to RPD (repository file) in online mode.

1. Install OBIEE Client tool on windows. OBIEE 11g client software is available here

2. Configuring an ODBC DSN for the Oracle BI Server on Windows using steps mentioned here 

or go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) -> Add -> Oracle BI Server (N) -> Finish -> Provide enter BI Server details when prompted  (You will need BI Server name & port to connect)

To find BI Server Name and Port , login to http://server:7001/em(Business Intelligence -> coreapplication -> Capacity Management -> Availability -> Value under column port against row coreapplication_obis1 in BI Servers


3. Start OBIEE Client Tool

4. Open RPD in online mode , File -> Open -> Online

5. Enter Repository Password (from 11g onwards there is password set for RPD), weblogic password and select ODBC created in above step



About the Author Masroof Ahmad

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