Problem Description:
Error while recreating OracleAS Metadata Repository Schemas using MRCA tools.
I couldn’t able to remove the old schema from DB using MRCA tools.
Here I would like to cover the steps of removing ODS schema from DB directly.
Remove the failed MR installation using cleanMR. The cleanMR script is located in the ORACLE_HOME/repca/clean directory, where ORACLE_HOME specifies the directory where you installed OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant.
prompt> cleanMR -HOST db_host -PORT db_port -SERVICE_NAME service_name
[-DBUSER dbuser] -DBPASSWD password [-DBROLE dbrole]Please refer to below section for getting details on the clearMR script execution process,
4.7 Removing OracleAS Metadata Repository Using the cleanMR Script
The cleanMR script does not remove Oracle Internet Directory (OID) schemas, so please remove the following from the database:
Tablespace: OLTS_CT_STORE
Tablespace: OLTS_DEFAULT
SQL> drop tablespace OLTS_ATTRSTORE cascade;
SQL> drop tablespace OLTS_BATTRSTORE cascade;
SQL> drop tablespace OLTS_CT_STORE cascade;
SQL> drop tablespace OLTS_DEFAULT cascade;
SQL> drop tablespace OLTS_SVRMGSTORE cascade;
SQL> drop schema ODS;
2. Now recreate the ods schema using MRCA tool.
An Oracle Identity and Access Management professional, having working on Oracle Access Manager Single Sign-On implementations, Installation/Configuration of Identity Server, Web Pass, Web Gate, Access Gate, Policy Manager, Access Server, Policy Domains, Authentication /Authorization schemes, Single Sign-On (single and multi-domain), OIM, OVD, OID, OAAM, OIF, High Availability/Failover/ SSL deployment.