Installation of Oracle Identity Management (OID/OVD/ODSM/OIF) 11gR1( – Part 2

This post covers part ” of  OID/OVD 11gR1 ( installation that will be used as user repository (Identity Store) for our Oracle Access Manager (OAM) 11gR2 Admin Training (training starts on 3rd May and fee is 699 USD). For first part of OID/OVD installation click here

1. Install IDM (OID/OVD/ODSM)

1.1 Start installer as cd /stage/oracle/idm/ (IdM is unxipped at this location) and invoke 


1.2 Select Install and configure


1.3 ODSM (more on ODSM here) requires Weblogic Server and WebLogic Domain.  Select create a new domain


1.4  Specify Installation Location

ORACLE_HOME is where OID/OVD software binaries go
ORACLE_INSTANCE is where OID/OVD binary/configuration and logs go

Note: ORACLE_HOME must be installed in MW_HOME created earlier


1.5  Select default on Configure Components (We are insatlling all the components)


1.6 On OVD configuration screen provide password of OVD superuser and click Next


1.7 You have option to create schema or use an schema (ODS) already created by RCU (Repository Creation Utility). For this post we are asking installer to create schema (and NOT using RCU to create ODS/ODSSM schema)


1.8 Set ODS & ODSSM schema password


1.9 Provide password for OID superuser (cn=orcladmin)


1.10  Specify OIF PKCS12 password


1.11 Provide OIF advanced attribute values


1.12 Click Install on installation summary screen


1.13 When prompted run script from root user

1.14 When configuration reaches 100 %, click Next


1.15 Click Finish


1.16 Above step will install
ORACLE_COMMON_HOME (oarcle_common) : for JRF and common files like EM
ORACLE_HOME ( Oracle_IDM1 ) for OID/OVD/OIF software/binaries
ORACLE_INSTANCE (asinst_1) for OID/OVD runtime like executables/conf/logs
DOMAIN_HOME (user_projects/domains/IDMDomain ) for hosting weblogic Admin Server and managed server for ODSM/DIP
1.17  URL’s of some entities below. ODSM console is running on Managed server on port 7005 and Federation server runs on 7499 in this case
a) http://host:7001/console (WebLogic Console)
b) http://host:7005/odsm (ODSM Console)
c) ldap://host:3060 (OID Non SSL Listen Address)
d) ldaps://host:3131 (OID SSL Listen Address)
e) ldap://host:6501 (OVD Non SSL Listen Address)
f) ldaps://host:7501 (OVD SSL Listen Address)
g) 8899 for OVD HTTPS Listener port
h) 7499 WebLogic Managed Server hosting OIF
1.18 Check which processes are running using the following command
In next part we are going to cover how to create Users in OID using ODSM, stay tuned !!
You can register for our Oracle Access Manager (OAM) 11gR2 Admin Training (Fee is 699 USD), Contact Us if you have any queries regarding training or Oracle Identity & Access Management.

About the Author Kalyan

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