This post covers procedure installs the Java Development Kit (JDK) for 64-bit RPM-based Linux platforms, such as Red Hat and SuSE, using an RPM. This post is from our Oracle Fusion Middleware (FMW) or Oracle Access Manager (OAM) training where we provide dedicated machine to trainees to practice but if you need to install similar setup on your local machine (We use Oracle Virtual Box with Oracle Linux 5.5 ).
You must be login as root user to install this installation (Assumption is that you are installing JDK on 64 bit Linux)
1. Download the JDK software from here (jdk-7u60-linux-64.rpm)
2. The installation process should be carried out with the “root” user.
su – root
when prompted for password, enter the root password.
3. Navigate to the directory where your JDK software is downloaded
cd /stage/oracle/jdk
4. Install the package using the command : rpm -ivh <package_name>
rpm -ivh jdk-7u60-linux-x64.rpm
Note: This step will install JDK 1.7 under /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_60
5. To verify the version of java, navigate to the directory /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_60/bin and check javac and java versions. The version should be the latest installed JDK version.
Note: JDK is default installed under the directory /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_60
cd /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_60/bin
./java -version
6. Delete the .rpm file if you want to save disk space.
7. Exit the root shell. No need to reboot.
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I'm 10gR2 RAC Oracle certified professional, working from last 6 year in the field of database.